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Friday 11 November 2022


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  1. So Lari kicked out as Procedures Secretary and Ali booted off the list.

    1. Making Lari Procedures Sectretary is like putting Dracula in charge of a blood bank
      If there is any common sense left at all in Labour he ( & a few others who have been named in articles & comments here) should be removed from their posts & the party

    2. It is likely that Lari will be dealt with. As much as he likes to keep a low profile, the Labour Party and leading candidate are aware and have a plan. I’m sure many local residents and members have solid cases against him.

    3. Lari hasn’t done anything wrong

    4. Lari has been a very naughty boy.

  2. Sanity returns from the chaos of the neo Stalinist clique

  3. THE LABOUR PARTY IS THE NASTY PARTY11 November 2022 at 16:02

    It comes as no surprise to me that the Kensington Constituency Labour Party is now looking in to complaints of antisemitism and has had to suspend its selction process. If the Tories were in this situation, Labour would never shut up about it.

    No wonder the control freaks in that Party went to extraordinary lengths, last week, to put me off sending information to Keir Starmer about homophobia in the Kensington CLP.

    Judith Blakeman did an excellent job for years. What has gone so seriously wrong?

    I think the Dame's correspondents have helped to expose serious issues of antisemitism and homophobia.

  4. A crushing day for EDC and her cronies who still hasnt made a public statement on anti Semitism in her area. A full investigation should hopefully punish and expel any trouble makers.

    1. The email sent last week was not antisemitic.

    2. That email seemed very nasty to me. Denying antisemitism and homophobia is par for the course in Kensington CLP. Kensington's first and last Labour MP has form for endorsing an antisemitic tweet saying that Israel brings shame on every Jewish person in the world. Only an imbecile would find that acceptable.

    3. The email may have been nasty but it wasn’t antisemitic. And Israel does

    4. Here we go again. More potential antisemtism. What is meant by the rider "And Israel does?"

      I think that email was antisemitic. A leading light in the Kensington Labour Party has form for antisemitism. Why hasn't she been kicked out. Antisemitism festers.

  5. Crap Ludicrous Plonkers11 November 2022 at 18:39

    Yay!! Good going Kensington CLP!!

    No thanks to your refusal to condemn that vile email, your pathetic & stupid attempts to fix up the voting for your poodle (conducted right under the noses of Party Officials - you seriously thought you would be allowed get away with that?), your cronyism (putting dumb posh Momentum boys who couldn't run a bath in charge of things), your belief that EDC has a God-given right to represent Kensington no matter what (anyone see Christian Wolmar kick up such a fuss about the long list?) & your general ineptitude, the end result could be that we all end up with an absentee complete outsider (including the one you didn't want!) representing us!!! (& paying the community around Grenfell only the occasional flying visit)

    Wow you must be so proud of yourselves. No doubt you'll just stay true to form & blame the NEC for all this. Didn't think you could get any worse after your councillor (de)selections & shite local election performance, but I was wrong
    Well done!!

    1. The shortlist will go back to members to vote on. Keep calm, carry on and vote for local boy Joe Powell 🗳

  6. I’m a Labour member and will be voting for Felicity Buchan at the next election.

    1. I have always been Labour. The last time I voted for the Lib Dems because I am Black and Gay and did not want a racist MP. At least sam Gymiah would not abuse me because of colour. Point taken, 20.14, Felicity Buchan has no form for hatred of Jewish people, LGBTI++ or nastiness to Black people. She's does claim to be something that she is not. No pretense of Medici, Columbus, the Borgias, or links to aristocracy through Carmen (something or other) a couple of hundred years ago.

  7. Nasty pieces of work12 November 2022 at 03:36

    Why does the loony left always claim to be anti-racist and pro-gay, and always resort to either of those things when they don't get their own way politically?

  8. Trots? - Felicity will get back in12 November 2022 at 09:02

    The Mistress of Strategy is trying to emulate Hatton's (Trotskyite- Militant) Liverpool Labour Party of the 1980's. Kensington voters won't vote for a Party that is in such disarray.

  9. Oh, I don't know so much. Emma will fade in to ether just like Hatton did. Labour Councillors saw Emma off ten years ago and replaced her with Robert. He ran the show quite well for years. Yeah, Emma made a come back but this time she has been seen off by one of Labour's centralised secretariats so that really does mean she is finished. When Labour says you're done, you're done, well and truly.

    1. Robert Atkinson was less useful than the pope’s cock during his tenure as labour leader - a very belligerent man who regularly got flustered over the tiniest of matters. He enjoyed shouting at Nick Paget-Brown but is all mouth and no trousers. Better to have him on the backbenches (or in the current case retired) and sucking up to tories just like he loves to do

    2. Most of the Labour councillors these days seem to have been picked because they make Dent Coad look good and won't challenge anything. No mouth, no trousers and an easy time for the Conservatives.

    3. A cut above...............12 November 2022 at 12:49

      I think the trouble with Emma Dent Coad is that (like so many MP') she thinks she is "a cut above." We were told about Medici, Columbus, the Borgias, Perceval and a Great Aunt who married in to the aristocracy - evidence of her not only thinking she is "a cut above;" but advertising it. People who think they are "a cut above," particularly those on the hard left, think the rules that apply to everyone else about racism, antisemitism, homophobia and classism do not apply to them.

    4. EDC expected us all to accept that she is not a racist!

      Corbyn's failure to take disciplinary action and Diane Abbott treating her to a fresh cream cake was supposed to make us all acquiesce in her claim that she is a "proud anti-racist campaigner."

      Balony- they took us for fools.

    5. Diane Abbott MP sold us all down the river when she bought Emma Dent Coad that fresh cream cake. Emma should have been shunned not congratulated for racist behaviour.

    6. Emma lost the last GE so she missed her chance .

  10. A major announcement about Cllrs Hammond, Thalassites and Adourian will be made in the coming days.

    1. That's a bit random isn't it?

    2. Wait and see.

    3. I don't wanna wait. Are they defecting?

    4. They're about to resign after all being caught pants down in a seedy Earls Court sauna with Ian Henderson Robert Atkinson and Mete Coban.

      Not really - that's what suspended CLP idiots were hoping for!

    5. 1. No KLP members have been suspended.

      2. It does involve former Cllr Atkinson. But Adourian, Hammond and Thalassites are going to have a lot of explaining to do. Expect to hear about it on Wednesday morning. This is going to shake RBKC to the core.

    6. Oh I love it. I hope it's a sex scandal. There hasn't been a good Tory sex scandal for years.

    7. What about Cllr Addenbrooke?

    8. Sarah Addenbrooke is planning to announce her retirement due to ill health in the coming days via a statement on the council’s website.

    9. Even if this is true, it would be proper to allow her to make such an announcement herself .

    10. It is common knowledge amongst Tory cllrs

  11. Whips and chains

  12. Any sexual problems?

  13. I thought that RBKC was supposed to be 'rocked by Tory scandal' today ?

    1. That has died a natural death. A Tory scandal implicating Atkinson; no less.

    2. You mean it was lies? ( like so many Sunday morning headlines which by lunchtime are shown to be bunkum ) Hammond , Thalassites & Atkinson should sue

  14. Sina Liar strikes again


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