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Wednesday 2 November 2022


 Cllr Lari has requested that the blog related to aristo entryism is taken down as he disputes certain claims.

The Dame is fairminded and has agreed to do so 'pro tem' until she has investigated.

He also complains about comments relating to his sexuality. The Dame agrees. 

Would whoever puts up the puerile comments cease doing so: they are pointless, pitiful, deeply annoying, and very boring.


  1. Very well said. As an ordinary reader I am sick to the back teeth of seeing pathetic jibes about Cllr Lari and unsubstantiated allegations of homophobia. And whoever keeps calling him ‘pin-up Sari’ must also stop.

    1. Actually most the comments are frustrated with Lari and his gang in Kensington. They appoint absent councillors, some who havent done much work and treat labour members who do not align with their Corbynista views with uncomradely behaviour.

    2. The piece will return once fact checked a bit more

  2. Cllr Lari & EDC have multiple grounds to sue FTHN (libel, harassment) and should do so.

    1. You some sort of barrack room lawyer? When in the public eye you have to learn to take it instead of running around like a headless chicken screaming..."I have been libelled or I have been harassed". What is the libel?

    2. Can you sue someone for telling the truth ? maybe those people who do not like what is written about them might want to stop, look in the mirror and think why do people think this about me.

  3. A lawyer clarifies for The Dame.2 November 2022 at 17:01

    The comments about Emma Dent Coad which have run on this blog for a number of years are not actionable in any of the Torts relating to Defamation: Libel, Slander or Malicious Falsehood. Calling out Dent Coad's racism towards Black and Jewish people in written form on this blog is not actionable. The imputations made by Hornets about Dent Coad's racism are "true." The comments which follow about her racism are "fair comment." If this exceedingly stupid woman were to sue for libel, she would catch a cold; which would be marvellous and priceless. Only a fool sues for libel. Just look what happened to Neil and Christine Hamilton when they got on their high horses and sued Mohammed Al Fayed. Those who financed the Hamiltons against Al Fayed became libel collectively for Al- Fayed's costs. So before there is a whip round amongst the wealthy socialists in Holland Park, Notting Hill, Kinghtsbridge and Kensington, think on.

    That pathetic Socialist, Robert Maxwell, issued writs to silence people when they told the truth about him because did not like it. None of the writs that he issued were proceeded with, except one which had considerable merit, and the others were allowed to lie on the file gathering legal dust. A clever ploy to intimidate his opponents but nothing more than a vain man trying to put the wind up people who were on to him.

    Hornets are entitled to tell the truth and comment about Dent Coad.

  4. The odd thing is that none of them defend their actions in the Hornet

  5. Cllr Lari seems to be very thin skinned for someone who wields such destructive power in the Royal Borough's Labour Party.

  6. I doubt the old Dame has any assets so they will £20k in a High Court action for nought.

  7. Dent Coad and Lari trying to put the frighteners on.

    The Dame would only have to shake her skirt at those two and they would be frightened.

  8. Come on Dame -Lari has had long enough to prove himself . There are important nominating meetings tonight & the members have right to know the enormous harm and incompetence that he & his chuckle brother mate Kear have done to the local party .
    All around us sensible Labour authorities are delivering improving services and protecting the interests of the electorate while the Kensington party spends its time in pointless factional flim flam which helps nobody. The real tragedy & public interest is not the saga of Dent-Coad /Lari / Kear but the sheer irrelevance of Kensington Labour while our useless council & government get away with ruining the life opportunities of millions

    1. Hear, hear: but when it comes to the "irrelevance of Kensington Labour" Dent Coad/ Lari and Kear are part and parcel of the problem

    2. They are the problem!

    3. Undoubtedly true.

  9. What are the results from last night’s branch meeting? And what happened?

    Kasim Ali has left Twitter. So can’t announce his results.

  10. Did Elon Musk block Ali?

  11. There is word that an anti semitic email (in support of one of Kensington’s Labour candidates) was circulated yesterday and has caused a lot of upset. Anyone know the contents of the email or who it came from? Salman Shaikh and Steve Cowan have both publicly condemned the email.

  12. Since EDC embraced Corbynism, virulent antisemitism is now the order of the day in Kensington Labour. Boot out of the Labour Party these disgusting pieces of filth.

  13. Sunday bloody Mary’s with GB News11 November 2022 at 23:10

    Any chance Lari will now renege and claim to be Pavlavi royalty once he’s booted out of the Labour Party and spend 100% of his time with Tory chums like Tom Harwood?


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