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Tuesday, 8 November 2022


With the local Labour Party the question is often more interesting than the boring answer...

The Dame has met Bakhtiar. 

A more unlikely candidate to be accused of sexual harassment would be hard to find?

With all due respect to the councillor he's a sort of male version of the Dame....plodding and someone of probity. 

This takes us to who made the accusations and why after the elapse of so much time.

Correctly the councillor has been cleared but the Labour Party now needs to find out why these false accusations were made in the first place.

The Labour Party in Kensington seems a place of dirty dealing.


  1. Dame, you know perfectly well who made the accusations and why. Don't be deliciously coy!

  2. When were the accusations made?

    By whom?

    Dating back to when?

    What mechanism was used for investigation?

    How do you know the allegations were false?

    Who has given FTHN this information? It has not been made public.

  3. Were the accusations might by a descendent of Medici?

  4. Why were the accusations made just when Mo was made leader?

    1. Because she wanted his job

    2. So EDC would have no challenge to the Labour Leadership. She has destroyed many lives and people with her odious behaviour over the years. Its time for Emma to step away from Politics.

    3. Hear hear! If anyone still wants to know why she was blocked from becoming a candidate. There's your answer.

    4. This isn’t the reason why she was blocked from being a candidate.

    5. Your quite right. There was a dossier of incidents.

    6. Bullying, antisemitism, processes behind the deselections of councillors, inexperienced people being promoted to senior positions in the local party inexplicably, lack of communication with members, absence of co-ordiated campaigning. Could be here all night

    7. But apart from that. What ?

    8. Welcome back, mate8 November 2022 at 21:10

      Poor Councillor Bakhiatar! Welcome back, mate!

      It is time that EDC got her comeuppance. Her getting in in 2017 was not good for the constituency or for Grenfell. It was good for her ego and that is all it was good for.

    9. MB is everything EDC isn't. Kind, well liked, fair minded, honest & hardworking.

    10. Stalnist purge, no way9 November 2022 at 05:38

      22.19. Well, let us thank god (and if you believe in god give thanks in church) that "MB is everything that Emma Dent Coad isn't". "Kind, well liked, fair minded, honest and hardworking" qualities that Emma would do well to emulate. Her behaviour has been appalling. Since the moment that she was exposed for racial prejudice, we have seen Labour's equivalent of Gavin Williamson become fully effective and very nasty. Her sense of me, me,me, astounded me - a belief that she had a god given right to stand for parliament again and, god help anyone who disagreed- including Labour Party members and bosses.

  5. The alleged incident happened two years before it was reported. It was weaponized just before the vote for leader .

    1. Ian Henderson has been spreading malicious lies again. The allegation was not made by EDC. And it didn’t happen 2 years before being reported. Perhaps you’d like to make clear what exactly the allegation was for the sake of transparency?

    2. What does have this have to do with Ian Henderson?

    3. A bottle of wine and a pile of conspiracy theories at Err Towers

    4. Is David Kear ever sober?

    5. Only when he is working with the other elfs for Santa at Christmas

    6. There is no way Kear would work for a capitalist dog such as Santa

  6. ‘IN THE KNOW’8 November 2022 at 17:21

    To be perfectly frank, there were allegations made against Cllr Bakhtiar by a certain Ms Catherine Faulks, at the behest of Cllr Taylor Smith. They date back to early 2021 and are reported to have taken place within the Town Hall. Anyone who thinks EDC has anything to do with this must present their own statement of facts so as to avoid unnecessary dilution of the truth.

    1. So why did the Kensington labour leadership allow him to run in the last local authority elections ?

    2. He was suspended from Labour shortly after the local elections while the allegations were under investigation. He has since been cleared and reinstated in the party

    3. Where's Kasim Ali gone?

    4. Anywhere but Dalgarno

    5. Faulksie never made any such allegations. What Rot. Kensington Labour again using 'sexual harrassment' as a means of destroying a Labour Councillor. Forgive me but are they not supposed to be on the same side ?

  7. So did Faulks report that EDC had made a move on Bakhtiar or am i wrong.

  8. Dimwit. He was instructed by Taylor Smith if you read the comments.

    1. ‘IN THE KNOW’8 November 2022 at 18:52

      You’ve got it wrong. Taylor Smith ordered Cllr Faulks to report Mo Bakhtiar. Initially she wanted to keep things quiet. Then when he was suspended, credible threats were made against Cllr Faulks involving the loss of her safe Campden seat. She then withdrew the allegations against Mo and he was reinstated by Kensington Labour. Taylor Smith was said to be fuming (he hates Bakhtiar with a passion).


    2. http://fromthehornetsnest.blogspot.com/2021/12/the-conservative-notting-hill-set-party.html?m=1

    3. Balderdash at 18.52.

  9. What is the odd one out, A Canal Bank, Emma Dent Coad, and a Bag of Money. Answer.... a bag of money, the other two you would only touch with a barge pole

  10. The attempts to destroy Cllr.Bakhtiar follow the same secretive & destructive pattern as :a)the sending of the police to question former Cllr. Healy and b) the reporting of former Cllr. Atkinson to the Police and the c) attempt to discipline former Cllr. Henderson for helping at a food bank . Followed by d)current rumours about former Cllr. Henderson's sexuality . Despite being wrapped up in spurious 'confidentiality' which left most ordinary Labour Party members in the dark as to what was happening ,All the accusations eventually proved to be groundless. But all achieved their primary purpose of driving all those competent Councillors out of local politics and their replacement by nonentities chosen solely because they were expected to follow the diktats of EDC/ Lari / Kear/Ali without question.

    Bakhtiar managed to cling on to a (different) council seat but now remains isolated & friendless.
    The other Labour Councillor who seems immune to the machinations of the Dent Coad machine is new Cllr. Eva Jedault. 'The machine' was so desperate to be rid of Pat Healy that they failed to do due diligence with regard to the new Cllr. It turns out that although 'off the wall' in many of her views Eva does not lack courage & has successfully resisted bullying by 'the machine'. She has also declined to be treated like a dog's body by her co- councillor Kasim Ali.
    . Perhaps we can now look to Bakhtiar & Jedault making common cause in the Labour group and perhaps they can now look for more support than was offered to the other ( former ) Councillors by the Town Hall and by the Labour Party ? Here's hoping !

    1. Former Councillors Atkinson, Press , Healy and Blakeman are backing Powell to get revenge on EDC and her Orcs

  11. Unfortunately Eva Jedut is a rather odious woman. Possibly under the control of some sort of psychiatric disorder. She has no regard for people of other faiths or ethnicities. Bringing with her the racist views of the far right in her native Eastern Europe, she dislikes Muslims and those residing in the Middle East. She also loves to be right and isn’t very pleasant to look at either.

    1. Sounds like Jedut and Dent Coad have a great deal in common. Racism is the forte of both of them.

    2. What a nasty thing to say, 21.11, "possibly under the control of a psychiatric disorder." Anything is possible, but you are just plain nasty. 20.03 has a good handle on what is really going on. I remember it being suggested that, amongst other things, Henderson was worked out because he is a Tory - what a load of balderdash that was.

    3. Tsktsktsk to those on here who use language of the school ground bullies. Times are hard enough. We need our councillors to work together to solve our local problems. And there are plenty of local problems. Grownups of good standing and respect needed, please!

  12. Not in keeping................9 November 2022 at 07:07

    Dear Dame,

    Do you have any contacts in Labour's corridors of power who can help Kensington's voters to understand this political incongruity?

    Emma Dent Coad is considered by the Labour Party unsuitable to hold the Office a Member of Parliament.

    How can she possibly be considered suitable by the Labour Party to hold the Office of Labour Councillor in our Town Hall?


    Lady Muck of Campden Hill

    1. Your Ladyship, I fear the Dame is of a vintage that those scampering around in the Labour corridors of power have long since departed for the heavenly parliament.

  13. A classic case of a left winger who never got over adolescent rebellion.10 November 2022 at 03:45

    Is it in the best interests of the Labour Party for Emma Dent Coad to continue being an elected member of it? If she were decent, she would leave politics gracefully instead of behaving divisively; and disgracefully.

    1. She hasn’t done anything wrong.

    2. Except purge every decent & useful Labour Councillor and destroy the local Labour Party

    3. Lol. EDC hasn't done anything wrong.

      How about racism & antisemitism for starters. And the purging of every decent & useful Labour Councillor to destroy the local Labour Party

      Low level homophobia declaring Moylan's sexuality. Remember, Emma said, "Moylan is gay." No need to mention it, but Emma makes these comments for disreputable reasons; just like her nasty comments about Shaun Bailey AM.

      The allegations of further homophobia in EDC's local party require investigation. Bring in Peter Thatchell, he'll get to the bottom of it. He's left wing so there can be no complaints of the type Corbyn made about the Equlaity and Human Rights' Commission.

    4. You people keep mentioning new homophobia allegations but nobody actually knows what these allegations are!! Reveal the allegations if you’re telling the truth. Looks like you’re just trying to defame Cllr Lari

  14. Get Peter Thatchell in10 November 2022 at 13:25

    I never mentioned Councillor Lari? You did.

    Do you seriously expect those who are concerned about homophobia to air the allegations on here. Those accused would be able to get their stories straight, seriously prejudicing an investigation, to escape justice. Homophobes United can never be defeated.

    When the police are looking for someone, they mention what they want to discuss with the suspect but they do not reveal the evidence. Why should this be any different?

  15. The Dirty Trick's Department of Kensington Labour never saw that one coming -13.25

  16. "Dirty Tricks' Department" - I love it.

  17. 13.25

    That has put Labour's clever clogs in their place.

    They can now put that in their pipes and smoke it.

  18. Remembering Florence Eshalomi MP10 November 2022 at 18:05

    I don't think the heterosexuals in the Kensington Labour Party know what homophobia is. Only a gay man or a lesbian understands that in its many manifestations.

    The same point was made by the Labour MP for Lambeth Vauxhall, Florence Eshalomi, who told told Priti Patel, the then Home Secretary, "The Right Honourable Lady does not know what racism is."

    Labour will not win a General Election until this homophobia is proven or not proven by an investigator like Peter Thatchell or Angela Eagle MP

    1. Angela Eagle is useless

    2. It cannot be left to heterosexual members of the Kensington Labour Party to resolve.10 November 2022 at 22:27

      Easy to denigrate soemone who would identify homophobia at twenty paces.

      Peter Thatchell would not be intimidated by the Marxist elements in KLP.

      Wes Streeting MP & Nia Griffiths MP would be good people to do the investigation. A Lesbian and Gay led investigation is a must so that Gay Men and Lesbians can be confident. Homophobia is best dealt with gay men and gay women.

  19. Wes Streeting. Quite paradoxical that he’s a massive c*nt despite having never been anywhere near one.

    1. Another homophobe at 01.52

    2. It's sexist too. Probably written by a drunk at 01.52 in the morning. Surprised to see that homophobia is still a big problem in 2022.

    3. I am not surprised that Homophobia is still a problem in 2022.

      It is for this reason that a special investigator needs to be brought in to investigate the Kensington Labour Party. Racism is a problem with at least one senior person in that Branch. Nothing was done about it, no disciplinary action was ever taken, until her recent disqualification as a General Election candidate.

  20. I refer to 01.52 above. I have heard a member of the Labour Party use a similar expression.


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