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Wednesday, 9 November 2022


'Architecture' at it blandest and crudest


Has the Dame's steam launch passed by the former Lots Road Power Station recently?

It's still too early to consider how successful the repurposing of the glorious Venetian Power Station itself has been though to anyone with taste the scrubbing of the brickwork has been so violently overdone it now looks like a 'new build'. 
Retaining some of the industrial grime would have been more authentic and given the building more authority.
But what do the Dame and her cultivated followers think about the two smaller buildings at each end of the original 'Palace' ( as illustrated above?
Surely they must rank as the most boring buildings erected in the borough in the last decade? 
They have no echo of the original Edwardian construction and make only a passing reference to the industrial past of the site.  Historically factories & industrial buildings were never featureless or understated.    
This is an important area for the borough so who allowed the developers to get away with such mediocrity?   
It has long been my view that all major developments permitted in the borough should be compelled to display prominently a stone pylon or monumental plaque. 
This would record for posterity - for good or ill -which committee chair was responsible for the development. So who passed these?

Perhaps we could set a precedent with the Power Station development?
Indeed there are a few buildings that are so dreadful that the plaques should be required retrospectively. 
The Royal Garden Hotel is a case in point....  the atrocious Greek Embassy is another.  
In fact, the Greek embassy is so bad whoever gave it planning permission should be disinterred & their remains burned by the public hangman. The Borough having appointed & honoured a Recorder of our own without ourselves possessing a Court building sets a precedent. l am thus confident that the Council will be only too willing to appoint our own hangman - despite the absence of the death penalty.

What are the sage views of the Dame on both the Lots Road development and the proposal to record permanently & publicly exactly who is responsible for all significant changes to the local streetscape?

Yours sincerely
The Late Sir B Spence


  1. Well, Basil Spence with his horrid Town Hall is a fine one to pontificate.

  2. This is an excellent idea. How about recognising the Committee who oversaw the wrecking of the Odeon...a perfect example of Art Deco architecture?

  3. The planning officer was Alison Long who was caused controversy when she embraced the DP9 planning team at the Earls Court public meeting. She loves developers and their greedy plans

    1. You mean Allison Flight who went on to become Deputy Head of Development Management at the GLA

  4. The Town Hall is indeed horrendous - as are Knightsbridge Barracks. I have my little list & neither of these would be missed

  5. I do not understand why the Dame has now twice allowed the assertion that the old peoples home ( with chapel ) on Tite Street is without merit . Actually the layout & scale are entirely appropriate and DO HAVE MERIT !

  6. Alison Flight formerly of RBKC now at City Hall was the one who threw her arms round DP9 and Capco reps when they got permission to demolish the exhibition centre(having accepted a report it should be by a client of DP9 so conflict of interest) , she also told council to ignore any residnt objections to 24/7 works on the site as they had given permission so night time work had to be allowed.

  7. Apropos other monstrosities for which the Kensington Hangman should string someone up , Who was it that allowed the destruction of The Commonwealth Institute & the masking of its desecration by those 2 logo building blocks ?

  8. Lord Moylan loves playing with lego

    1. I hear he loved playing with particularly long pieces of Lego. Multiple pieces at the same time. In different places.

  9. What happened to the Chelsea Society? Another dead organisation? They seem not to have noticed this abomination

  10. The Tories are useless here, pleasing no one and failing to represent their members. Why are they trying to punish car users and tax us for vanity projects and unnecessary road works.

  11. Please explain how the local Tories are persecuting car users ? To me RBKC seems to be totally dominated by the interests of car users - even though most resident households do not own a car


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