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Sunday, 6 November 2022

Message from Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea - Planning Consultations


Dear Sir/Madam,

New Local Plan Review: Publication Policies (Regulation 19) Consultation

The Council is undertaking a New Local Plan Review (NLPR) and has now reached the "Publication Policies" (Regulation 19) stage. We have undertaken three previous consultations before reaching this stage. In this final consultation on "Publication Policies" you need to tell us whether the policies satisfy the "tests of soundness" which are set out in paragraph 35 of the National Planning Policy Framework and are replicated in the consultation response form. 

The next stage will be to submit the NLPR to the Secretary of State who will appoint an Inspector to examine the Plan. All comments received at this Publication stage will be passed on to the Inspector who will examine the Plan. 

Based on what you have told us in previous consultations, the NLPR – Publication Policies document sets out a Green, Inclusive and Liveable vision for future development of the Borough over 20 years. It includes the planning policies to help achieve this vision. It can do so by identifying locations that are suitable for good growth as well as for conservation and by setting clear guidelines for appropriate land uses, form and design of development. The aim is to achieve good accessible placemaking that protects and improves residents' health and well-being, provides good quality homes, enhances the economy and environment.

Regulation 19 Consultation Documents

In addition to the Publication Policies document itself, the following documents required by Regulations alongside a raft of other supporting documents and evidence behind the policies are all available on-line.  

  • New Local Plan Review (NLPR): Publication Policies (Regulation 19) Document
  • Proposals Map
  • Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA) (which includes the Sustainability Appraisal, Equalities Impact Assessment and Health Impact Assessment)
  • Statement of Representations Procedure
  • Consultation Statement
  • Duty to Cooperate Statement
  • Statement of Common Ground

How to respond

This consultation will run for eight weeks from 27 October to 11:59pm on 22 December 2022.

Online: You can find the consultation documents and respond on-line by going to our website https://planningconsult.rbkc.gov.uk/NLPRReg19/consultationHome

Email: Complete the response form available on the link above and email it to planningpolicy@rbkc.gov.uk

Post: Complete the response form and post it to:

NLPR Publication Policies, Planning Policy Team, Planning and Place,  Kensington Town Hall, Hornton Street, London W8 7NX

Yours sincerely,

Preeti Gulati Tyagi
Planning Policy Team Leader

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