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Thursday 24 November 2022


How will Jo get on with the Stalinist clique?...

It could be tears before bedtime as the northern aristos try to undermine him...and you can be certain that all that tripe about 'our party is a broad church' won't be getting much traction.

"Knives out" is on the cards.


  1. Great result. Joe is a force for good, sensible and a listener. We are lucky to have him as a candidate and he will represent the people of Kensington very well if elected into the Commons. Let's get behind Joe in two years time and end Felicty Buchan's reign of chaos.

    1. Let's all get behind Joe now.
      Bye bye Felicity
      Bye bye Emma

  2. Great news! Hopefully he will distance himself from the toxic trio of EDC, Lari & Kear as much as possible Their conduct is a disgrace & they ought to be kicked out of the Party

  3. Joe will be fine as long as he
    Keeps a big distance from Margaret Emma. Medici, Columbus, Borja, Perceval. Dent, D'Oyly, Blott, Coad.

    1. Spanish people have a long list of names. Emma has more than most.

    2. The Duchess of Alba (Cayetana Fitzjames-Stuart) who passed away in 2014 had the longest of any Spaniard before her. Over 30 names/titles. So not unreasonable to believe that EDC could have a long name.

    3. Thanks, Emma. We know that you have a list of many names. Three of yours are four letters ones.

    4. Lady Muck of Clobber Hill29 November 2022 at 09:18

      No less than I would expect from Margaret Dent, "EDC." Which Spaniard had the longest number of names and titles.

  4. I WILL VOTE REFORM24 November 2022 at 22:05

    If I were Miss Buchan I would be casting around for a safe seat ...if one exists. The Conservatives are architects of their own misfortune

    1. Buchan has been an unmemorable MP.

      EDC has been memorable for all the wrong reasons.

    2. Hear, hear. At last Buchan is not offensive to racial minority groups.

    3. Buchan may be a bit dull. She's not homophobic, she's not racist nor antisemitic.The same cannot be said about Margaret Dent/ EDC

    4. Point taken. Buchan is a bit colourless but not a bad person.

  5. Best news all week24 November 2022 at 22:40

    Joe will be a great MP for Kensington

  6. Finally someone sensible unlike Emma.

  7. The enthusiasm of members is palpable The quality of candidates outstanding and the conduct of the election exemplary.

  8. Brilliant result. A second loss for Ian Henderson (who first failed to get elected by Colville members and has now overseen Mete Cohan’s failed campaign). Well done Joe

    1. Ian was shafted by the Dent Coad lobby's goings on.

    2. The real failure is EDC and her team , GE loss and now this.

    3. Emma Emma Emma! Out! Out! Out!25 November 2022 at 07:50

      Not forgetting their lousy local election performance Time for the losers to go

    4. Didn't she have the effrontery to admonish Party members for not working hard enough to secure more seats on the Council?

      I have always found EDC to be very lazy; ignoring letters and emails.

    5. Ian Henderson wasn’t shafted. The only sentence that could be formed involving Ian Henderson and the word shaft would lead to the dullards on this blog accusing me of homophobia. So I’ll leave it to the imagination

    6. The real loser in all this is EDC . The comment above reflects her bitterness. She can't blame Joe for her defeat...just yet...

    7. I am not Emma Dent Coad. You people need professional help

    8. EDC always lays the blame for her failures at the feet of others. Party members, former councillors, the media/blogs . But luckily Joe has a good idea of what he'll be dealing with & he will rise above it all. This is the beginning of the end for EDC & her little band of diehards.The tail has been wagging the dog for too long. Joe's victory has given disaffected members more confidence in the future of the local Party. The members who want the KLP to change greatly outnumber those who are content with the present "cult of EDC" setup.

    9. Jo, You have been warned.25 November 2022 at 13:54

      I've noticed that Margaret Dent, now going under the name of Emma Dent Coad, blames everyone but herself for her disasters and failures.Typical of a type of socialist who accepts responsibility for nothing. The best was when she blamed Starmer's "Stalinist purge" as a fake explanation for being banned from standing for parliament.

      Kensington needs you!
      if past experience is anything to go by, she is already plotting and scheming.

    10. EDC is racist 10.31. Racism and homophobia go together like a horse and carriage.

    11. 12.33 you forgot to include Sam Gymiah being "blamed" by EDC for her election defeat in 2019. I came across a number of Black people who voted for him.

  9. Will Dent Coad's lot toe the line and support Joe or will there be skullduggery and chicanery?

    1. The dogs may bark but the caravan moves on25 November 2022 at 05:17

      Of course not. Once the false congratulations are over & done with they will be trying to dig up dirt. But the mud won't stick & members have seen the future. A bright postive future that doesn't include EDC .

    2. Too true. The future is bright for Labour without Emma Dent Coad and for that matter without Jeremy Corbyn. Labour needs to win back trust with Kensington's Black and Jewish voters.

    3. EDC will make trouble for Joe. She is self possessed - egocentric.

    4. Not 'self possessed ' - simply possessed !

    5. Calling Jo Powell.25 November 2022 at 12:19


      Emma Dent Coad refuses to declare her position on Ukraine.

      I took in a Ukrainian woman and her two children. She is very worried that Dent Coad, a Councillor in the Royal Borough, appears to be siding with Jeremy Corbyn MP who blames the existence of NATO for Putin's genocide in Ukraine.

      Do you blame Putin like every right thinking person should?

      Do you oppose those on the hard left who hanker for Russian/ Soviet Imperialism?

      Corbyn and Dent Coad, like most Trots, have never got over the collapse of Marxism in the eastern bloc and would like to see it restored.

    6. The above post is laughable. Who on earth would believe that a poor Ukrainian refugee with two children would spend their time worrying about Emma Dent Coad and Jeremy Corbyn. Ridiculous.

    7. Powell is a decent man, he'll answer this question.

    8. Still nothing from EDC or her acolytes on Ukraine and denouncing Putin. From someone so close to CND and STWC, she hasn’t attended any rallies unlike Powell, passed any local statements in support of Ukraine unlike Powell, has not reached out to any Ukrainians in need unlike Powell. It’s clear Joe is a clear improvement from the previous paper candidate who blipped into the position out of chance. His background with Obama also bodes well following Emma’s history with racism noted in her Wikipedia .

  10. Ww all know that Baroness Notting Dale is a non de plume for Emma Dent Coad; although this has been denied on previous occasions. None of us came down in the last shower.

    The lady living in my house in Notting Hill has left her husband fighting in Ukraine. She became distressed when she heard Corbyn's view from House of Commons' Chamber on the TV. I told her all about you and your admiration for Corbyn so that is how she knows about the pair of you. Sorry you find that ridiculous.

  11. How many more times, I am not Emma Dent Coad. You seem totally obsessed with her. You should seek help.

  12. I am sure that Jo Powell will position himself on the subject of Ukraine with more intelllectual acuity than Emma Dent Coad ever did.


    You always comment on Dent Coad's bad vibes.

  13. Dear Dame Commander Hornet of the British Empire,

    A bloke in the local Labour Party told me in the pub last night that Labour's NEC has been reading all about Emma Dent Coad on From The Hornets' Nest.

    If this is true you, my Gracious Glorious Lady, have done the public a service.

    Would you care to comment?

    1. My Dear Busy Bee....the Dame's heavily painted lips are sealed

    2. Labour Party officials are probably reading the Hornet. If you think about it, the Kensington Selection Committee was relieved of its duties after someone printed out the homophobic material and sent it straight up to Starmer.

  14. Baroness Notting Dale did not want that page with the Homophobia being sent to Sir Keir Starmer.

  15. Nothing like a Dame.26 November 2022 at 16:34

    I remember Baroness Notting Dale, who claims that she is not Emma Dent Coad, getting worked up about the Kensington Labour Party's homophobia being brought to Starmer's attention. She referred to the Hornet as a "Tory rag."

    1. Starmer couldn’t give 2 shits about alleged KLP homophobia

    2. Bring down the curtain on KLP homophobia.26 November 2022 at 18:35

      KLP homophobia was "curtains" for some.

    3. no it wasn’t

    4. "Curtains" for quite a few and a victory for Jo Powell.

    5. Due diligence was "curtains" for Emma's parliamentary ambitions.

      Will she take the final curtain and bow out with her head hanging low.

    6. like a tragic figure taking the "final curtain."

  16. There would be less trouble for Jo if Labour councillors removed EDC as their leader.

    1. Labour Councillors shafted EDC ten years ago and Atkinson took over as Boss-Cocky of the Labour lot on the Council. I used to live in K&C until I moved back, down under. What are the problems with getting rid of her again? Or will she need to be expelled from Labour.

  17. If she stays, she'll make life impossible for Jo. She will be oppositionist, dissembling, know best because she has been an MP. She will want to pull Jo's strings.

  18. She'll be the woman who pulls the strings.

  19. Mr Powell,

    Do you share Ms Dent Coad's vew that Israel disgraces every Jewish person worldwide

  20. If you want our votes, we should know your views on Ukraine and Israel. We know Emma's views and in the absence of a denial to the contrary, we must assume you agree with her on foreign policy.

  21. A comment was made purporting to come from a Joseph Powell claiming to be Joe Powell. On the best authority it was proven not to be and has been removed. So silly and irritating.

    1. ‘So silly and irritating’… yet the constant harassment of people on this blog isn’t silly and irritating? You removed the comment because you can’t bear seeing anyone be supportive of those you don’t like. You’re a pathetic manchild

    2. Dear Dame,

      I utterly condemn the posting of a comment in someone else's name. The response at 19.16 above was made by me believing that Jo Powell was the real writer of the comment posted in his name.

      Perhaps, you would be good enough to delete 19.16 above too.

      Thank you.

    3. How embarrassing. I’d be kicking myself too for posting such a silly reply

    4. I read that piece which purported to be written by Jo Powell.

      I thought it had been crafted by Jo Powell in collaboration with one of Emma Dent Coad's Marxist cronies. We were invited to think that Powell was
      tender-hearted towards her. Someone told me that he is much cleverer than her. By complaining to The Dame, it shows that he is distacing himself from that EDC.

    5. Dear Dame,
      I am certain that 22.05 above is not "Jo Powell" but a woman calling herself Joseph Powell. She is singing from Coad's hymn sheet.

    6. As an earlier writer said, the due dilligence dossier was "curtains" for Dent Coad.

      Being shafted by her Party twice, once by Labour Councillors ten years ago and again by the NEC, is too much to bear. God love her.

    7. Jo Powell complained: that is why it was removed. If others had complained about being abused in this way the Dame would have removed them.

    8. Dame, 22.05 above is not Jo Powell but the spoof writer again.

    9. I read that contribution in the name of Joseph Powell which The Dame deleted. I thought it was written by Emma Dent Coad and there was more than a touch of irony in the sentiment of 'bringing people together" after 12 years of Tory rule. Emma only ever wanted togetherness with Marxists, Trots, Corbynistas and Momentum types.

    10. Emma's middle name is "Disunite." Emma Disunite Coad.

  22. I am certain that the egregious contribution that the Dame has removed was written by a Cuddly Socialist.

  23. EDC will be feeling vulnerable now that she has no future in Labour. I wouldn't put it past her to stand as an independent at the General Election. She's got an ego.

  24. She will convince the KLP that her strategy is the only way that they can win. Once they have adopted and started to implement her stratagem, she will apply to stand as an independent at the very last minute on the last day for doing so.

  25. Did Labour's dossier actually brand her "racist?" Or was there some other fancy, politically correct language used? Can the public get the dossier?


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