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Saturday, 19 November 2022


The Dame had lunch with an old friend the other day.

The Dame's friend was a High Tory of impeccable political provenance: a highly intelligent man who had served as an adviser to one notable and memorable Tory Leader.

The Dame nearly spluttered on her Mulligatawny soup as her friend pondered on the hopeless bunch now struggling to lead our country.

"in the early days of the Blair government he packed his cabinet with people of talent"  was his assessment of those early years.

Maybe it's nostalgia but it did seem Blair was able to populate his cabinet with solid and capable ministers.

The likes of Shapps, Williamson, Patel, Raab et al would never have passed muster in Blair's day.

The Conservative Party has had years to get to grips with our problems but seems not to have a clue as to what to do.


  1. Th no hopers that have crept into this and previous cabinets is a scandal.

  2. Shapps is a semi crook

  3. I’ve lived in RBKC for 37 years and until 2017 i thought how blessed i was to live in an area so well run. But i wonder when the rot set in - with the 2010 government elections after the 2008 financial melt down?

    1. When Cockell took over from Hanham


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