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Tuesday 31 January 2023


Cllr Ali networking

If the rumour mill grinds correctly Cllr Ali is plotting to get himself elected leader of the Council Labour Group.

With it comes a very useful salary( I think you mean 'allowance', The Dame) which won't come amiss.

The Dame hears that residents Ali is supposed to represent are concerned he spends so much time hobnobbing with Labour powerbrokers that casework gets ignored.

Cllr Ali is a very self-important fellow with a charm bypass.


  1. I and my family have been trying to contact him due to the shocking rising damp in my house. There is black mould. He has ignored every email for the past year. Healthy homes , well not in Dalgarno Ward thats for sure. This man is false and does not support residents only his charity Baraka. I will be complaining to the Chief Executive as neither the Labour Leader or the whip are bothered about this.

  2. I have been trying to make contact with Councillor Ali for over a year now due to the damp in my flat which is affecting my family . I have to empty a dehumidifier for twice a day as it’s full of water . As a Dalgarno resident I find it shameful that someone who shouted loud and clear about Healthy Homes will not even respond to months old emails concerning damp and black mould in his ward . Shameful.

  3. Kasim Ali as Labour leader would be equally disastrous as it would be hilarious! Imagine him floundering in council meetings and struggling to get words out on serious topics. God we are in such a dire position right now. He is an obsequious weasel who will brush up to and rub shoulders with absolutely ANYBODY it takes to advance his career. Be it Corbyn, Starmer or Zac Goldsmith! It’s been so transparent from the start what his game is.

    Besides the fact that he has no proper knowledge of council business or residents’ lives, and what/who councillors are actually supposed to do/represent, the only people he has sought to assist in his tenure as a local councillor are his local Somali friends. Partly to impress them, and partly to garner the benefits that being an elected representative brings. He has been witnessed going to the Hilton on Holland Park Ave. regularly over the last couple of years to meet with them and give them tips on how to speed up their housing applications. There are actual witnesses to this! He sits in the public lounge and holds discussions in Arabic with them about the housing register and what they should do to get high priority on it. RBKC must not have him as labour leader! Anyone but him!

  4. Many people regret campaigning and canvassing for him in Dalgarno. Wasted steps that could’ve been put to better use. We should have known what he would be like.

    1. He does and says anything to get elected and when elected does very little.

  5. Has no one a good word to say about this character?

  6. So… he failed to become an MP. Now trying his luck at becoming Labour group leader? Is it not clear to anybody that this man is not interested in helping his constituents but only climbing up the ladder into prestigious positions with generous allowances and financial benefits? Cllr Ali loves to think of himself as some sort of Churchillian, Great British Statesman. Hard to comprehend and very lax on attention to detail when it comes to serious council business, he is no statesman! At least the incumbent Labour group leader knows a thing or two about what being a councillor entails and has some real local experience.

    Why can’t he just stick to making that ‘hot & spicy Kensington chilli sauce’ that was mooted during his recent failed parliamentary candidacy and leave the proper politics to the grown ups!

  7. Councillor Elizabeth Campbell31 January 2023 at 14:39

    I cannot agree. In my humble view Cllr Ali will be a first class leader of the opposition group and I look forward to having a regular tussle with him when he's around which, from what I understand, won't be too often! And, can people stop being rude about me. My husband is a retired sea dog: it's natural we like a few pink gins before settling down with a couple of botts of Berry Bros robust red.

  8. Glad I left the KLP Vipers Nest31 January 2023 at 15:50

    Oh surprise surpise! Let's face it. If there was ever a contest to have the most rubbish opposition group ever consisting of the selfish the ruthless the lazy and nonentities
    The present Labour group would win it hands down.
    Only sensible choice for their leader would be Bakhtiar but the last thing that bunch are is sensible

  9. What a rough looking bunch in the Dame's photo. But the crowd in North Kensington are pretty rough looking too. Good riddance to them

  10. Looking at them-apart from the Sikh gentleman, they look a bloody mess. Tidy up!

    1. Ali appears to have spilt red wine over his shirt or maybe that's the hot sauce

  11. The worst Labour Group ever ? No talent & no commitment to local service. Less than 2 years ago Dent Coad purged all experienced & serious councillors .She was so committed to removing her enemies that she paid no attention whatsoever to what was to replace them. And boy does it show.

  12. Do not waste any time on promoting Cllr. Bakhtiar - it was his failure to back the sensible leadership of Press/ Atkinson/Blakeman that allowed the take over of the Labour Group by Dent Coad, Lari and Ali . Vain,Selfish and now without allies in the shambles that calls itself 'the Opposition.

    1. This explains the peculiar performances by North Kensington Labour councillors at last night's Portobello Market public meeting. They would not respond to residents' queries. Presumably scared of saying the wrong thing.

    2. Was there any squirming involved by the aforementioned councillors?

    3. Emma Dictator Coad1 February 2023 at 22:58

      Is there a rule in the Labour group that only EDC takes centre stage & the other councillors require her permission before they pipe up on anything? Might as well have a dozen shop window mannequins for most of the Labour group.

    4. A very controlling woman.13 February 2023 at 18:10

      Emma Dent Coad , like all Socialists, is obsessed with "control."

  13. Can we just get rid of all 50 councillors and hold fresh elections that don’t involve anyone currently sitting (or anyone else close to them)? The system is broken and something is badly wrong if the likes of Ali and Campbell are the best people available for the job! We need local parents to get involved, people with disabilities, people in social housing, others with lived experience and who know what sort of issues are really affecting peoples’ lives. The current crop are absolutely feckless and useless. Is it really too much to bloody ask for!

    1. Throwing out the baby with the bath water would leave the entire council like the labour group so no

  14. 8 out of 13 Labour councillors prefer Whiskas2 February 2023 at 08:55

    Out of all of the 13 Labour councillors
    8 include 2 who might be psychiatrically unfit & wouldn't be hired anywhere else, 3 who are self obsessed narcissistic delusional & 2 completely useless clueless ones who don't know what they're doing there. Most of these apart from the 2 clueless ones put far more effort into fighting like a bunch of alley cats with each other than attending to their duties as councillors. The other 5 have sufficient redeemable qualities to be councillors but a few of these 5 really do require extra training. People can take an educated guess as to which councillors belong in what category.

  15. Bring back Judith Blakeman. She took no crap from Emma D.....d C .....d and her Marxist mates.

  16. Actually it was Cllr. Blakeman who first sponsored EDC as her successor
    ( though she came to regret it )

    1. So when was the big falling out between Judith Blakeman and Emma Dent Coad? It is common knowledge they cannot stand each other.

      We know that Dent Coad is very good at ingratiating herself with people - especially those who can further her disastrous political career. Look how she crawled round Diane Abbott when she got in back in 2017. However, she was shafted by Labour Councillors a year after Judith stepped down. Her first public political shafting was very humiliating for her.

  17. Where is the chief whip Sina Lari to ensure loyalty to Emma? Or is he gonna be another in it for himself chancer?

    1. I do not believe that Lari is genuinely interested in saving EDC. He is a co-conspirator in shafting.


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