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Thursday 26 January 2023


Every year the Mayor's Award recognises those who have, over the years, made an outstanding contribution by way of public service.

A survey is currently underway rating our councillors. 

You can take part in the survey by clicking HERE 

Many comments have referred in glowing terms to Robert Freeman who retired from the Council after years of selfless service.

 Ex Cllr Freeman is a man of great modesty so the Dame will not publish some of the comments.

Freeman was universally liked and respected across the political spectrum. 

What an extraordinary oversight that he was never elected leader.


  1. Ye, this is a terrible indictment of the sort of awful people who controlled the Council for so long. Freeman was totally incorruptible and fearless in pursuing what was right. Men like that will never fit in amongst rogues.

  2. Freeman was a highly qualified lawyer replete with commonsense and fairmindedness. For a scheming little mediocrity like Cockell Freeman was a threat that he could not countenance so made sure that Freeman was always sidelined.

  3. Cockell was an appalling man. The Dame did a first class job digging into his expense claiming...stays in 5 star New York hotels... business class travel and the ordering a £120k Bentley so he could travel to Heathrow in luxury! At one time he was claiming allowances in excess of £120,000 a year.... until thwarted by the Dame. She also prevented him perching his ample bottom on the leather benches of the Lords

    1. Sir Merrick Cockell26 January 2023 at 18:19

      I have been alerted to this comment and appraised my solicitors, Mishcon de Reya of its content. The insinuation that I over-claimed on my expenses is grossly defamatory. Similarly, the notion that I bought the Bentley in order to 'satiate my love of luxury' is equally without merit. The Bentley was acquired for the sole use of the Mayor though on occasion he permitted me the use of it.

    2. oh do eff awff you lonesome bore, cockell

    3. Ghost of Phelps.26 January 2023 at 22:59

      I think Dear Ex-Leader, you would be well advised not to make comments that you may later regret. I always loyal to you and gave you good advice when I was alive. It is shameful that instead of taking my advice you had me fired.

    4. Pooter Cockell is a fattie

  4. Maybe Robert Freeman should be proposed for the Mayor's Award? Amongst his other services to the community was his year as Mayor....outstanding

    1. What an excellent idea to put Freeman up for the Mayor's Award. Recognition of years and years of selfless service to the Royal Borough and its residents AND also a signal that integrity, hard work, the common touch and caring are things of value. The current leadership of RBKC (the dreadful Cllr dizzy Campbell and her acolyte Cllr birdbrain Faulks) need constant reminding of these things

    2. It is not only dizzy and the birdbrain who need reminding. Most of the Tory crowd need a stick up their backsides. As for Labour..........

    3. 18.50, are you by any chance thinking of Cllr EDC and Cllr Lari? The Marxist and the handsome one?

    4. Where has Lari gone?

    5. Not to north Kensington that's for sure

    6. Kear is stepping down as chair so maybe Lari' is going too. A Golborne by-election would be a great way for Labour to test the water before a general election.

    7. Also a chance for one of the Colville 3 to make a comeback?

    8. Haha no chance

  5. Latest Councillor Survey News: Robert Freeman may no longer be a Councillor but he is receiving positive reviews on the survey. As is Julie Mills. As are the three former Colville councillors Ian Henderson, Monica Press and Nadia Nail.
    The survey closes in March, so still plenty of time to take part and have your say.

    1. The Dent Coad woman won't like Henderson, Press and Nail doing so well. Coad shafted Henderson and Press. Coad is an odious woman.

    2. Dent paid eventually paid the price and was not allowed on the selection list. There's a price to pay for everything. Busted and as you say, "shafted;" all very humiliating for a woman who thought she was indispensable.

  6. Those results should be very telling especially if some big names are scoring negatively or barely registering

    1. The Mayor's Award generally recognises worthwhile and genuine service by people who are not well known and not part of the hierarchy in Hornton Street. So ex Cllr Freeman would be an outlier. But sometimes it is good to make an exception. And it is now or never since he retired at the last election.

  7. Hear hear! Freeman was that rare breed of councillor who worked tirelessly for others, put in long years of service and always did so with diligence and fairness.

  8. The Tory Councillors should consider these comments carefully before they elect the next Leader of RBKC. Self serving puffers and posture rs is not what the Borough needs. A wise pair of hands like ex Cllr Freeman is what we need. Past Leaders Cllr Elizabeth Christmas and Cllr Muriel Gumbell are good role models for our present day Tories to consider.

    1. Don't think Christmas and Gumbel were ever leaders. Mayors yes. Christmas twice I believe and Gumbel was a GLC member. Crofton, Freeman and Joan Hanham led the Council from 1968 to 2000 and the 1st leader appears to be someone called Ernest Anslow Wilson who doesn't appear to have been an elected Ward Councillor in 1964 and maybe was one of the Aldermen who sat on the Council..

    2. Thank you 19.40. Silly me. It was of course Cllr Joan Hanham that I had in mind as an example of a good and genuine Leader

  9. Tories! Think before you vote!!

    Do not vote on the basis of what allowances you might secure if you curry favour with the Leader.

    1. All Tory Councillors need to examine their motives for Leadership voting. It is probably the most important task that they perform in May each year. It would be good if they thought about their residents and not about themselves when they decide who to elect as Council Leader

    2. Owl - pigs will fly first

  10. Freeman finally kicked the bucket then, ‘as he?

    1. You sounds so boring and sad

    2. 11:46 is probably a lonely little fella....be kind to him and indulge him

    3. 13:10 - yes, the word ‘you’ does sound boring and sad.

    4. Don't be embarrassed at being called out...sad little man.

    5. Nasty little man at 11:46 is most likely to be the outgoing KLP chair who's even nastier about forner councillors on his own side.

    6. There are plenty of his nonsensical outpourings about former councillors on other blog posts on this site.

    7. 22:04: Oooohhh… what has the KLP chair been saying about former councillors on his own side?? Pray tell!! Craving more KLP gossip on these long, lonely nights…

    8. https://thisisnorthkensington.wordpress.com/2023/01/28/are-some-of-our-labour-councillors-abandoning-ship/

  11. WHAT A STITCH UP!27 January 2023 at 17:35

    Campbell and her cronies decided to ignore a shortlist and plump for Felicity Buchan because she was treasurer on the Association. What a way to run democracy!

  12. Shall have to politely disagree with you on this. I encountered this prized pillock on Twitter and had a bit of a war of words with him. He's not exactly tip top at debating, I will counter.

  13. Not appropriate for Councillors or ex- Councillors to receive 'Mayor's Awards' as they are intended solely for unrecognised 'Civilians'. The appropriate 'Gong' for respected and long serving Councillors has always been to nominate them as 'Honorary Alderman' .But eEver since the Grenfell Fire, Dizzy has failed to
    nominate any New Aldermen . This is partly because she fears to nominate an Alderman who is subsequently fingered by the Public Enquiry (eg.Paul Warrick or Maigraid Simmonds) but mainly because the backlog of overdue Aldermanic Nominations consists mainly of Campbell's enemies and opponents ( eg. Robert Freemen , Julie Mills , Monica Press, Pat Healy, Robert Atkinson, Warwick Lightfoot , Charles Williams , Pat Mason and Judith Blakeman.). Leader Campbell is so insecure that she fears acknowledging the talents , achievements and calibre of those that she cannot control - even after they retire from public service . This is particularly unjust in the case of exLabour Councillors as they ( unlike ALL the Tory potential Aldermen) were never allowed the honour of serving as Mayor of the borough. This too because Dizzy was too frit to allow the possibility of her being eclipsed, even for a year, by a popular Labour Mayor. The Town Hall has failed to display any cause for optimism since the fire discredited the entire Council. But perhaps some warmth and hope for the future could be generated , after the conclusion of 'Top of the Pops' Councillor Survey in mid March, by holding a joint Mayors Awards & Aldermanic bash ?? Maybe Hornton St. remains to scared of revolt from North Kensington should they risk an 'Oscar' night for ex Councillors - but surely even the Trots of North Ken could not begrudge a local authority gong for the likes of Pat Mason or Judith Blakeman ? Come on Dizzy, try acting like a confident & sure footed Leader just for once and do the right thing by those who have genuinely given unrewarded service to the borough .

    1. Hello Warwick, how are you enjoying retirement/deselection/ invisible new job?

  14. Frustrated of W1128 January 2023 at 17:56

    Freeman, Blakeman, Mills, Healy, Press, Atkinson yes But Lightfoot - dear god no ! Here's a not very sobering reminder of Lightfoot

  15. Julie Mills, monica press, Ian Henderson were the best I encountered. Very impressive.


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