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Tuesday 24 January 2023


Protect your market from RBKC

When RBKC threatens to 'consult you' be very wary!

One of the most disliked councillors(according to an about to published councillor performance survey) boasted, "we hear but we don't listen'

Dear Dame,

RBKC yet again lives down to its reputation. 

So far secret plans exist to “redesign” Portobello Market; possibly into oblivion. These are the options:

a) On 31st January only, RBKC intends to consult its 150,000 residents in two sessions totalling about 200 minutes: 11.00am - 12.30pm or 6 - 8pm at the rather modest upper level in the Tabernacle in Talbot Road. Hopefully, there’s a lift.

b) On the same day, RBKC has graciously set aside 90 whole minutes to consult its 400+ street traders on the future of the Market: 1 - 2.30pm at the Portobello Court Community Room - a space that holds 50 standing. In other words, 4 minutes per street trader!

All those who love the Market should attend. 
If that’s not possible; please write to your councillor and/or your friendly local journalist and get all your friends to tweet it.

Thank you, dear Dame.


  1. K & C never learns. It tried this sort of thing in the 1980s. Improving the market by ignoring local people.

    Market people and local residents marched on the Town Hall and there were even fights in the street! As ever, the Council took fright and removed or tarred over the cobbles that had been laid before any more of them were lifted to throw at the coppers!

    It’s not complicated. All that’s needed is a new, porous roadway and pavements; decent new lighting; rubbish bins; properly clean street gullies; a new electrical system for the traders and bright, shiny and open public lavatories.

    The last electrical system was installed by the European Union and is now over 40 years old. And while they’re doing all this; they must removed the so-called sleeping policemen. They proved to be terrible flood barriers, making matters far worse.

    Any suggestion to remove the street traders’ vans will prevent street traders trading. Nor can individual traders afford £60,000 for an electric van. Improvements must be affordable, practical and discussed.

    Street trading is a hard life; but people from all over the world come to the Markets to engage with it. If it’s lost, Portobello will die!

    We also need trees and shrubs if there’s room; but this is all basic stuff that’s long overdue. Fifty years overdue! Local people want the basics sorted.

    The Council must talk to the locals. Everyone knows improvements are needed. Then K & C can force local landlords to clean up their buildings and forecourts and keep them that way.

    What we don’t want is another Covent Garden. It’s totally dead! Please support Portobello and Golbourne Markets! Please contact your Councillor!

    Signed. A. Resident

    1. I live in Westminster and love Portobello market since the 1960s can I come and vote/have my say ?

    2. Does this council never learn. They want to upgrade and obliterate a market that has been here before they even existed. Are they paying homage to a few local property dealers who see themselves making some more profit to add to their ill gotten gains? I think that they will be surprised at how many of the locals with unite and stand up to them. We should remember these people can be voted out at the next local election and good riddance to them.

  2. 16.48 If you can, please attend one of the Tabernacle meetings on 11am - 12.30pm or 6 - 8pm on 31st January or write to your councillor. You can find out who that is on the RBKC website. Portobello needs YOU!

  3. The council has neglected the market for decades.It's a very complicated place. They can't be bothered to discuss details with locals, so the area will be redesigned without it. Small changes can easily destroy the market. For K&C this is not a problem.The project is always to force yet more lower income people out of the area.

  4. Tory council’s will always want redevelopment as without they get no kick backs .It’s that simple.

  5. Yesterdays 3 well attended public meetings about Portobello Market brought into focus residents' well founded suspicions of RBKC's motives regarding its future. The two meetings addressed by officers were edgy, but orderly.

    Cllrs Kemahli and Rendell turned up for the evening meeting. They talked themselves hoarse. Apologies flowed. RBKC merely intended to throw millions at the Market. Short of calling for a lynching, the public could hardly have been less appeased by their efforts. Officers sat stony faced throughout. Eventually the anger subsided; but only because people were exhausted. The elderly slipped quietly away. A plot to "Covent Gardenise" Portobello had been foiled this time; but Market traders and RBKC residents must remain vigilant.


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