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Tuesday 3 January 2023


In her search for 'relevance' and a seat in the about-to-be-shut-down Lords 'Dizzy Campbell got her £140k a year PR man to write a load of vacuous nonsense in Conservative Home about giving local councils more freedom. Link

Giving councils-especially this one, the freedom to fritter away council tax is the last thing Government should be doing.

The only comment (below) on her boring article summed it up!

RBKC has had a few bad leaders: Campbell tops the list!

"There's no way of avoiding the conclusion that the UK's local councils are inherently anti-development and anti-business, with pathological attachment to imposing fees and obsessing over increasingly minute details of whatever they're tasked to do.

I struggle to see how devolving more power to these failing institutions is going to help the economy."


  1. It used to be that Town Hall Leaders were people of stature, at ease with themselves, and above the political whirl of personal ambition and self promotion. Astounding to see that the Leader of the Royal Borough is promoting herself in the Tory pit for those who want to get noticed and pursue politics at the national level.

    There is a distance between Town Hall types and those who serve in the Palace of Westminster. They do not belong on the red benches and very few are worthy of the green benches.

    1. Has the good Lord Kensington heard of one "The Lord" (Daniel) Moylan?

    2. Lately of Hornton Street and resides in the Royal Borough of Kensington

    3. Supporter of Moylan4 January 2023 at 11:40

      The best Leader that RBKC never had

    4. His Lordship was very popular with a certain kind of developer....no more to be said but the whispers were very frequent.

    5. Not a supporter of Moylan4 January 2023 at 13:00

      Is that meant to be a joke? The Dame has quite an archive on Moylan's dubious activities.

      The best leader RBKC never had would have been either Robert Freeman who is now retired or Julie Mills who was deselected after rebelling on Grenfell vote.

    6. Thst's what happens to any half decent Tory councillor who stands up to Dizzy Lizzy. Anne Cyron has been banished to the backbenches and she'll probably be next

    7. Abingdon Ward Tory5 January 2023 at 08:02

      Did not know that Anne Cryon has been banished. A hard working and competent Councillor who listens, who cares, and who is motivated to do the best for residents and not for herself.

      Back benchers like this are dangerous for self seeking and self serving Leaders

  2. This is a Council that wastes tax payers' hard earned cash on an industrial scale. A Council that offers "free" happiness classes (six week courses), £3000 pavement benches that clutter up High Street Kensington, HUGE subsidies to Halland Park Opera, and BRIBES to civic societies. For example a £70k grant to the Scarsdale Association (a tiny but posh residents group) to prepare a guide for sustainable refurbishment!!

    Whatever next?

    1. Long Range Conservative3 January 2023 at 15:38

      RBKC is in urgent need of a Socialist Council. It will be hell on earth. But a necessary event for the Tories to ditch the dead wood like Campbell and Faulks and refresh the Party

    2. Lari in place of dizzy?? Are you bonkers???

    3. Long Range Conservative3 January 2023 at 15:42

      Sometimes one has to step low

    4. Frustrated of W113 January 2023 at 21:34

      We need a Labour government to intervene & sort things out here. A Labour government is likely. However if EDCLP keep throwing bricks at Starmer more than they do at Tories, there will be not much chance of that.

    5. Emma Dent Coad is an obstacle to Labour winning a General Election owing to her unending attacks on the brilliant Starmer. Coad never got over adolescent rebellion when she went by the name of Margaret Dent. She tries too hard to be left wing and radical but she is full of contradictions. She does not think like a socialist.

  3. dozy bitch needs a good slap round the ear’ole

  4. Dizzy Lizzy or Miss piggy?

  5. This is a Council that has strange priorities. For example, prepared to shave £250k off the cost of safety cladding for Grenfell Tower (with calamitous results) while at the same time renewing and widening the road in front of the Holland Park Opera at a cost of £500k (to the delight of wealthy Kensington patrons). And of course the scandalous spend of £1.5 million to create a "sitting out" area in front of Holland House which is not a "sitting out" area at all, except in deepest winter. It is a foundation for the Holland Park Opera tent!!!!

    1. All happened on dizzy's watch

    2. I'll tell yer straight mate at 11.08. If Coad, Lari and Ali were not on the Council, Labour would stand a chance of gaining K&C Council from the Tories. Coad needs her Councillor's Allowance so there is no chance of her throwing in the towel.

  6. Revealing that dizzy chooses a summer picture of herself in her Chelsea garden to deliver her winter message. This is the kind of "polish" that self centered politicians buy when they hire £140k/year PR Directors. This money could be better spent elsewhere

    1. Dizzy Lizzy didn't pick the picture. It's taken from former councillor Woodger's Summer party posted on his Facebook and taken in 2017

  7. 11.16 is being economical with the truth. The Director gets paid £140k/year but the whole PR operation in Hornton Street costs Council Tax payers more than £1million every year. This is mega stupid and indulgent. It's a candy floss administration.

    1. Hornton Street needs to replace the £140k/year (incompetent) PR honcho. Ex Cllr Woodger is dust - unprofessional to associate the living with the dead


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