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Saturday 28 January 2023


Is She Frit?

The Dame has picked out this particular comment regarding an award for ex Cllr Freeman.....

"Not appropriate for Councillors or ex-Councillors to receive 'Mayor's Awards' as they are intended solely for unrecognised 'Civilians'. The appropriate 'Gong' for respected and long-serving councillors has always been to nominate them as 'Honorary Alderman'.

But ever since the Grenfell Fire, Dizzy has failed to nominate any New Aldermen. This is partly because she fears nominating an Alderman who is subsequently fingered by the Public Enquiry (eg.Paul Warrick or Maigraid Simmonds) but mainly because the backlog of overdue Aldermanic Nominations consists mainly of Campbell's enemies and opponents ( eg. Robert Freemen, Julie Mills, Monica Press, Pat Healy, Robert Atkinson, Warwick Lightfoot, Charles Williams, Pat Mason and Judith Blakeman) Leader Campbell is so insecure that she fears acknowledging the talents, achievements and calibre of those that she cannot control - even after they retire from public service. 

This is particularly unjust in the case of exLabour Councillors as they (unlike ALL the Tory potential Aldermen) were never allowed the honour of serving as Mayor of the borough. This too because Dizzy was too frit to allow the possibility of her being eclipsed, even for a year, by a popular Labour Mayor. The Town Hall has failed to display any cause for optimism since the fire discredited the entire Council. But perhaps some warmth and hope for the future could be generated, after the conclusion of 'Top of the Pops' Councillor Survey in mid-March, by holding a joint Mayors Awards & Aldermanic bash ?? 

Maybe Hornton St. remains too scared of revolt from North Kensington should they risk an 'Oscar' night for ex-Councillors - but surely even the Trots of North Ken could not begrudge a local authority gong for the likes of Pat Mason or Judith Blakeman? 
Come on Dizzy, try acting like a confident & sure-footed Leader just for once and do the right thing by those who have genuinely given unrewarded service to the Borough"


  1. Dame
    She was frit before she was elected. Why do you think she is called dizzie lizzie?

  2. Cllr Campbell is definitely frit

  3. When will the Tory Councillors get rid of this frit??


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