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Friday 3 February 2023


nothing awful happens here

The Dame's friends know she is on intimate and name-dropping terms with European royalty.

A few years back she was seated in 'La Place d'honneur' next to a Nordic reigning queen.

This queen was telling the Dame how she enjoyed pottering around the haberdashery department at Peter Jones. 

The Dame, with swift repartee, quoted John Betjeman who famously said when the end of the world arrived he wanted to be in the haberdashery department as 'nothing awful could ever happen there'.

The Queen was most amused.

The Dame feels rather the same way about Felicity Buchan's weekly updates. Felicity must write them in Peter Jones as the contents show a reluctance to address the terrifying weakness of this 'fin de siecle' government.

Everything seems to revolve around 'what Felicity did next'....nothing to explain this gaffe-prone government. No wonder the ultra-left civil service and unions have decided to govern!


  1. Another sure shot from the Dame

    1. Flicker should in the Chinese balloon floating over America. What photo opps!!!

    2. I am reporting this comment to the police as Felicity would be dead if floating on the Chinese balloon

  2. The MP is treading water. Lost her way, unsure about her future, and no sponsor in the current Government. Not an unusual situation for politicians. Sad to watch but it can only get better for her. In the meantime RBKC residents have drawn the short straw

  3. Who 'arranged' for Buchan to get adopted? Yes, her friend Lizzie Campbell. Yet another disaster perpetrated by the most useless leader of the Council in living memory foisting the worst MP in living memory( apart from Dent Coad) on us.

    1. It would be difficult for Felicity Buchan MP to be worse than Emma Dent Coad when she was our MP.

  4. It would be difficult for Felicity Buchan MP to be worse than Emma Dent Coad when she was our MP. Shame that Sam Gymiah did not get in 2019. More of a heavyweight and sharp thinker than those two put together.


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