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Wednesday 4 January 2023



Cllr Campbell tries to persuade us that councils need more freedom from C. Government constraints. 

What nonsense. Left to their own devices councils would be even more profligate with our money. 

This council has just recently appointed a 'storyteller' and funded 'mindfulness' courses!

But, more to the point, is something that THINK has picked up and that is the outrageous levels of salaries paid to senior officers. It is a national disgrace and something the Taxpayers Alliance has focused on.

K&C  senior officers are in the top quartile of officer pay. The old saw that they have to be paid these levels to attract them is a myth: none of these officers would be employable in the for-profit sector.


  1. THINK misses the point. They have have highlighted "symptoms". The symptoms are appalling. A profligate rats nest. But symptoms have a cause. And the cause in Hornton Street is a fundamental and lamentable failure of Leadership. The sooner that the Tory Councillors get rid of the dead wood Leader, Cllr Campbell, the better.

    1. Stuffing Campbell is easier said than done. The Tories in Hornton Street have ruled by patronage for decades. Profitable committee positions (sky high "allowances" up to £60k/year) is a powerful bribing mechanism. The poison even corrupts Labour, whose members also get bought off. Tory Councillors will not bite the hand that feeds them.

      And now the patronage is spreading in an even more insidious form, using hard earned Council Tax to "corrupt" resident associations with favours. For example, a £70,000 grant to the Scarsdale Association (full of luxuriating Tories) to commission research on "sustainable buildings". Whatever next?????

    2. rubbish. the Edwards Square and Scarsdale Association includes Liberal and Labour residents

    3. Ah yes. Is this the work of planning chair and Abingdon councillor Mr Toad?

    4. Its a concert party. Toad plus Association Chairman Cllr Lloyd North (now moved on from trolly dolly and porn star activities)

  2. We live in such delicious times that for a moment we can forget about the useless and tedious Cllr Campbell. What I want to know is the name of the older lady who slapped Harold's bottom and took away his Flower. In a Cotswold field.

    1. By God, Sir, I was wondering the same. My part of the country too.

    2. Not long to wait, Curious. The tabloids will out her on Sunday!

    3. The Lord Moylan RIBA Hon7 January 2023 at 08:58

      I expect, Milord, she was the sort of young lady you met in your Cotswolds days, eh? Lord Kensington has his own engraved pewter tankard kept behind the bar at the Hedgies Arms....so vulgar

  3. Why aren't the Labour councillors calling out Campbell? Thought they were supposed to hold the council leadership to account. Not much sign of that. A few of the new ones seem promising in work for their local ward but in the town hall most of them have all the fire and energy of a flock of dead sheep. Dent Code has had her day. She just keeps repeating herself and seems tired and worn out It's a relief she'll never be the Kensington MP again

    1. The trouble with the Labour benches is that EDC got rid of the proven strong councillors & replaced them with one's who don't assert themselves. That didn't eintrely to plan as Eva Jedut is proving to be her own person & a hard working ward councilor. She will likely receive the same treatment as Henderson, Healy & Nail.

    2. Why conplete silence from Labour over RBKC plans to wreck Portobello & Golborne Market?

    3. The ones who control the local Labour Party for now don’t really care about Portobello and Golborne. Hopefully Joe Powell picks up the role of scrutiny and forensic analysis as a local political figure.

  4. Isn't it time someone rated all the councillors from good to bad & called out all the rubbish ones? On both sides of the floor.

  5. Let's start with my ward. One good one bad
    Good = Cllr David Lindsay. Bad = Cllr Stuart Graham Lindsay is responsive and communicative with residents in contrast to . Graham who doesn't do a single thing. Wish Julie Mills would come back but I'd never vote Tory even if she did

    1. Cllr Cryon and Cllr Addenbrooke in Abingdon Ward are terrific. Interested, responsive and well informed. But timid in tackling the Leadership crisis in Hornton Street. There is a third Councillor in Abingdon Ward. Enough said.

    2. Cyron didn't quit the cabinet for family reasons as goes the official line. She got sacked for standing up to Dizzy

    3. Colville.Cllr Benton absolutely useless. The only thing he is remarkable for is his bizarre dress sense in other words Colombo 1970s trench coat, Hawaiian loud shirtt, flip-flops and waxed hipster moustashe combo. He always says he'll get back to you and never does

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