with thanks to thisisnorthkensington.wordpress.com


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Thursday 12 January 2023


THis Is North Kensington

This Is North Kensington has got one stage further.... knowing how obsessed our council is with box ticking has set up a proper survey. 

The Daily Mail has promised to publicise the results.

Now, anonymously and with just a simple tick you can rate your councillors.

This is a unique opportunity and a chance to really identify the good, the mediocre and the simply appalling....yes, people like Weale and Faulks!

So CLICK HERE to have your say!

And remember these councillors cost you a great deal of money!

Some do it for love....some for power and many for money.


  1. The Mail will surely be interested in this unique poll on the doorstep. Other Councils may get the same scrutiny

  2. I hear three names are in the front for excellence. Sof....Mo and Linda

  3. Toxic Coad is pressing her Marxist mates to rate her and these Marxists don't even live in K&C. She thinks she is still in with a chance at the next GE.

    1. We don't want "Toxic Coad" making a comeback in parliament.That would be as bad as Boris Johnson making a comeback as prime minister.

  4. What’s to stop people voting for the same councillors over and over again? If you’ve completed the survey you can simply refresh the page and do it again. So it’s flawed

    1. That's right.

    2. No the survey will not accept duplicates from the same IP address - refreshed or not (unlike the RBKC website) . We checked before issuing .

  5. It cannot be done. There is a mechanism

  6. Consistent. Wade, Bakhtiar and McVeigh most popular.
    Campbell, Weale, and Marshall at the bottom. Across the borough
    Faulks, Dent Coad and Simmons all polarise people. Lari near bottom too

  7. Schmetterling is good , although Talkative. Bakhtiar well intentioned but not effective.

  8. Would like some detailed analysis and a breakdown of all the results. Will this be provided?

  9. Yes of course. The full results and breakdown of votes, Wards and Councillors will be published along with some anon extracts of resident feedback. The survey is anonymous, yet secure and confidential and even Councillors can vote too (though I guess some will be voting for themselves!) Closing date is the 12th of March so plenty of time to get your responses in!

  10. Well done THINK. The results should be published on the RBKC website

  11. This is like Eurovision for Councillors.


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