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Tuesday 10 January 2023


Councillors with their allowances cost us around £1.5 million a year...Yes, that's right near £30k a week including all the backup, laptops, pensions et al.

RBKC residents after a trip to the  Customer Service Centre at Kensington Town Hall are usually asked to rate the service and give feedback. This usually produces mixed results. 

Discussions between residents over the work of their  Councillors also produce mixed results (which do not always follow party-political lines). 

Thus The Dame thought how helpful and interesting it would be to our local political parties if residents could rate their councillors  from 1 🌟  (very poor)  to 5 🌟  (excellent) and give their feedback. 

Perhaps if all the respective party bosses could see which councillors are doing an excellent job and which ones do next to nothing, they might finally start to get rid of the "dead wood" and reward those who are working hard for their constituents.

So, here is the chance to sort the wheat from the chaff. 

On the Conservative side four councillors have already been nominated...Lindsay, Addenbrooke, Cryon and McVeigh.

So let's all scratch our heads and come up with the answers. 

Your chance to 'make a difference.


  1. Weale and Husband get minus starts from me

  2. Sof McVeigh might live on the other side of the borough but she works very hard for the people of Brompton and Hans Town Ward. Idris is 3 stars = adequate & Weale is terrible

    1. Agreed. Sof would be the best leader of RBKC...really cares

  3. Linda Wade is outstanding in EC

    1. Agreed. Cllr Wade is excellent

  4. Dalgarno resident10 January 2023 at 16:18

    Cllr Jedut might be made fun of in some quarters.but she's genuinely hard working and dedicated. A bit of work and care put in goes a long way

    1. Nice try Eva voting for yourself doesn’t count

    2. Cllr Jedut is a genuinely well intentioned and hard working ward councillor. She needs training but that can be worked on. We've had worse before

    3. There should be some form of psychiatric evaluation for anyone who wants elevation to public office. If this was already in place Jedut’s name wouldn’t have been anywhere near a ballot paper.

    4. Good idea. Then we could be rid of all the psychopaths & sociopaths from the RBKC leadership. McVeigh, Will & Rendall are the only ones who seem remotely sane

    5. ?? Psychiatric evaluation?? Dodgy.

      How about checking whether a Councillor is a racist or homophobe. Psychiatric evaluation would not expose racist or homophobic prejudices and resultant discriminatory attitudes in prospective councillors.

      When Labour banned Emma Dent Coad from standing for parliament, John McDonnell, never mind the racism, said, "She cares."


      Dent Coad cares,
      Care for Dent Coad.

    6. EDC ignored me when I wrote to her asking for help. Emma "cares" about as much Jeremy Kyle "cared" when he did that dreadful television show.

  5. Courtfield Tories might want to deselect rude arrogant Quenntin Marshall if they don't want the Lib Dems to take his seat next time

    1. Cllr Quentin Marshall should have been deselected after his terrible turn at the Grenfell inquiry

  6. Can we have Monica Press back in Colville please?

    1. Monica Press was outstanding and well liked by locals and other Councillors of all stripes. Same for Ian Henderson and Nadia as well as the decent Labour Councillors of yesteryears.

    2. Hear hear. Press, Henderson & Nail as well as Healey, Blakeman & Atkinson All great Councillors. All axed by their party or left before getting axed. If only things had been different.

    3. Blakeman and Healey are pushing 80 so wouldn’t have been Cllrs much longer anyway. Time for some younger people to take over

    4. Healey and Blakeman have more energy than the present lot.

    5. Blakeman maybe. Healey is clearly not well enough to maintain such an active role.

    6. EDC should retire.

    7. Monica Press the best cllr ever, worked tirelessly on the issues and crossed party lines to solve them, always respectful and sensible. I wish she was back

    8. Never met Press. Have heard very good reports about her. Don't understand why Dent Coad disliked her so much and arranged for her to be given the order of the boot. I know that Press had quite an appetite for hard work a quality that Dent Coad would do well to emulate. I wrote to her when she was in Parliament and she ignored me. She had all the time in the world for her Marxist Leader. Glad that Starmer's lot shafted Emma.

  7. Get rid of Emma Dent Coad and her stooges. Absolutely toxic and useless in the local area. Someone who throws decent councillors under the bus to eliminate any competition. 1 is too generous considering some of them don’t even know what to do in the job!

    1. Toxic Dent Coadism - insidious and pernicious.

    2. Dent Coad thought she had a god given right to be the next Labour parliamentary candidate. She was "devastated" when she was shafted and her aspirations swivelled. She thought the proceeds of her book going to local people would clinch it.

      Has she left her literary estate to charity or is it going to pay her grandson's public school fees? At least Starmer sends his children to state schools unlike Dent Coad and Corbyn.

    3. I hear the proceeds were spent on a Mars Bar.

    4. "a Mars Bar?" What do you mean?

    5. The profits were not large enough to buy anything else doh !

  8. There is good and bad on all sides. Some of the worst ones are in the safest seats. A change to the voting system in local elections and ending safe seats would be a good way of getting rid of bad councillors.

    1. FTTP is outdated & unfair.

    2. I wish Dizzy Lizzy would. She's also a not a very good councillor

    3. 100% agree. Proportional Representation would go a long way towards fixing many systemic problems in UK politics

  9. Yes! Make them work for our votes. It was only deselections that put an end to Palmer & Woodger's political careers.

    1. Queen's Gate Ward has a lot to answer for! Moylan once councillor there as well. Hopefully the returning Cllr Sam Mackover will be an improvement

    2. Palmer got the boot because he sat his large rear on a Tory seat while publicly campaigning for another party. Keeping his eyes glued to his iPad checking his investment portfolio in real-time during council meetings also got him kicked out. Queens Gate is all the better for no longer having that horrible prick as their councillor.

    3. Worse luck. Q.G. now have Weedon Sanz who is the new Woodger.

  10. Norland: David Lindsay good. Always responsive & usually in neighbourhood.
    Stuart Graham bad. Never responds. There is no excuse for councillors not responding to constituents' emails

    1. David Lindsay is utterly useless and throws his toys out of the pram whenever he gets challenged. A very petulant man. The only time he appears in his ward is when he has to pass through to get south of Holland Park

    2. Dent Coad is a very lazy and "petulant" woman just like Lindsay

    3. Pat Mason used to do all the Golborne casework. When he retired she changed wards.

    4. And Lari did zilch

    5. Toxic Emma was lazy and useless in Golborne..

    6. Cllr Lindsay has nothing in common with EDC except awful mood swings & a tendency towards rudeness.Hers is much worse

      If EDC had Lindsays Mayor's title she'd probably rock the gold bling chain, exploit more local poor people for her career & put out a shit hip hop record

    7. No one does rudeness, irascible behaviour, sniggering and scoffing like Emma Dent Coad.

  11. Joanna Gardener is really good 4 stars. She is popular with all sides and very responsive to residents. Also she is the best performing councillor on the housing committee. She should be put in charge of the overview and scrutiny and be replacing the awful and horribly rude Wealie Bin

    1. Joanna is excellent, always responds and is active


  12. 10 hours ago
    A........... Liz Campbell gets a zero. Skiving off council meetings to deal with a hangover shows incredibly poor form but what else to expect from someone as mendacious as her? She has been a terrible councillor and leader and will leave a permanent stain on this council’s reputation. Hypocrite Kim Taylor Smith gets a zero for his horrendous attitude to social housing residents. Walaa Idris (a black racist) gets a zero (for her racist and xenophobic/anti European views). Sof Mcveigh is ‘one of them lot’ but gets a four for her kindness and commitment to helping others. Her tutorial videos on homemade products are also useful. Emma Dent Coad gets three and a half - four. Whatever has gone on and other people’s opinions of her she does care about her neighbours and is always visible in her area. Eva Jedut gets a zero. Slightly deranged. Greg Hammond scores one point for keeping his ears open when spoken to but is an incredibly disingenuous individual. Bulldog Hargreaves scores zero. Will Pascall joins him at zero points for his rudeness and disdain for locals who try asking questions. Linda Wade gets four points for her hard work but must show more consideration in the way she speaks to people. John Thalassites, Hamish Adourian, Cem Kemahli, Dori Schmetterling and Aarien Areti all jointly score minus ten points for their incredibly loutish behaviour. All of them bar Dori behave like a group of jumped up schoolboys and really shouldn’t be anywhere near elected office. Though Schmetterling seems committed he seemingly turns up to meetings while ........... Catherine Faulks gets zero points. She’s far too involved in Conservative manoeuvrings which have damaged this borough and her connection to Campbell (and Rachel/Boris Johnson) shows poor judgement and has marred her position as an elected representative. Sarah Addenbrooke gets zero points along with Mary Weale. Both in it for the money and political connections/power. Portia Thaxter of St Helen’s is hard working though her priorities are very specific and limited therefore she gets a three. Mary Therese-Rossi should’ve retired after her disastrous stint as mayor of RBKC. So out of touch with ordinary residents and unable to control meetings properly. She scores one point. Lloyd North scores nothing thanks to his sinful past. Anne Cyron gets two points for her willingness to listen to residents but is far too ambitious and superficial to score any higher. Mo Bakhtiar - hard working and considerate. He gets four points. Janet Evans also shows a lot of disdain for ordinary residents and likes to accuse others of bad behaviour in an effort to deflect her own shortcomings whenever she is taken to task. She scores zero points. Kasim Ali scores zero points. His ultimate goal from the beginning was to become the Labour MP for Kensington - a role he has not worked hard enough or shown enough merit for. He primarily focuses on helping his Somali constituents and will say or do anything to impress them even at the expense of other people’s reputations. No comment on any of the others at this moment in time.

    1. Actually I rate Cllr Dori Schmetterling. He has shown some independence which is rare on his side. He is another councillor who would be good for heading OSC instead of Weale but it will never happen. Most likely what will happen is that Cllr Schmetterling will end up being deselected and replaced with another of Dizzy's stooges

    2. Why have you deleted then reposted this comment? There was nothing libellous in it, just the truth.

    3. You cannot accuse people of having drink problems which is presumably why Mr Snapper ordered a deletion

    4. Frustrated of W1111 January 2023 at 15:52

      Talking of drink, how much does the Town Hall spend on food and drinks for councillors ? Why should councillors who already receive allowances be gettimg hot dinners after Full Council meetings when so many of their constituents are using food banks?

    5. They don't even provide residents with a vending machine at that place.

    6. Pots and kettles at 09.10.20 January 2023 at 12:54

      If Waala Idris gets a zero because she is a "Black racist," then why doesn't Emma Dent Coad get zero points for being a white racist with nasty attitudes to Blacks and Jews.

      Emma's racism is as bad as Enoch Powell's racism. She drew a picture of a Black person being hanged (Enoch Powell never did that) and referred to him as a "token ghetto boy' and "a freeloading scumbag." She liked a social media feed that was virulently antisemitic. She has done for racism what Enoch Powell could never do.

    7. .......and, don't forget Emma got a free pardon for racism from Corbyn. Abbott bought her a cake to celebrate her racism - not surprising really, Abbott has form for racism about White people. As you say Dent Coad has "done for racism what Enoch Powell could never do."

    8. The comments about Shaun Bailey were accurate. He has described himself as a ghetto boy - he likes to give the impression that he was a poor black child growing up in a working class environment with no chances in life when in reality he is a freeloading scumbag who chases any crowd necessary to advance his career and peddle his pathetic ideology to any loser who’ll listen. Luckily he has never been elected mayor of London and never will be. Sadiq Khan isn’t much better but at least he doesn’t cry the race card whenever he needs to distract people from his shitty campaigning and nasty personality.

  13. I am Mr Ernest Snapper, the Dame's legal chap. This comment 9:10 is most droll and perceptive but I have advised the Dame to delete a couple of descriptions which might be considered defamatory. Please to be wary of making defamatory comments as I charge the Dame vast amounts for vetting

    1. How dare you edit someone’s honest comment on here. Wasn’t this supposed to be some sort of free speech blog? Nothing libellous was said and you have edited the comment for no reason. Scandalous

    2. I fear that you are unacquainted with the laws of defamation. Describing someone as an alcoholic is quite defamatory. The Dame could be on the receiving end of a writ. My role at Snapper and Sons, Writers to the Signet, is ensure that this does not happen

  14. Campden Ward. Do not bother with Catherine Faulks if you care about social issues Rude patronising & lazy. 0 stars. Lloyd North is more well known for his colourful past than anything else. Havent dealt with him yet. Have never met & don't know much about Preety Hudd at all so jury is out on those 2.

  15. Is this former councillor Palmer posting spam all over the place??

  16. Lari does nothing - nil points.

    1. He's too busy attacking decent members of his own party & hanging out in the S of the borough to do anything for Golborne. 0 points for Lari also.

    2. Is that when he’s not busy with the banking job?

  17. 10:47 if you make one more comment about Cllr Campbell then this particular blog will be deleted and no one will be able to comment further. That will be upsetting for other readers but your comments are unacceptable. So, one more comment in a similar vein and the blog will be taken down.

  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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