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Saturday 14 January 2023


Debate the results!

The Dame hears the THINK in-depth survey is generating an enormous response.

If you really value local democracy then you really should CLICK HERE and add your voice. 

Why should an appalling councillor collect £40-70,000 a year when unfit for purpose?

The Dame believes the results cannot be ignored. 

This is the first time such a survey has been carried out and residents should demand the results be debated in the Council chamber.


  1. Amazingly good idea. Petition?

  2. What is meant by enormous response? Anything below 500 entries shouldn’t be taken seriously.

  3. A debate in the Council Chamber would be excellent. The kind of initiative that is a "natural" for the minority parties to pursue. This should be a top priority for the Lib Dem member. Tories and Labour will try to suppress

  4. How long will the survey be running before results are published?

    1. Two weeks or so, I understand

  5. It would be good to hear the debate in the Council Chamber about the performance of various councillors. It would be a right larf to compare the performances of Campbell and Dent Coad.

    1. I suppose you mean that Dent Coad and Campbell are both ridiculous.

    2. I agree. They are both "ridiculous." Miserable, useless, creatures.

    3. Zero points for Coad.23 January 2023 at 11:08

      Coad's failure to state whether she agrees with, or disagrees with, Jeremy Corbyn MP on the issue of Ukraine is worrying.

      Coad said, "My Socialism is Corbyn's Socialism." So there you have it, straight from the horse's mouth.

      Corbyn said, "The existence of NATO is responsible for the Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

      If Corbyn had won the 2019 General Election, I am sure he would be over there supporting Putin - no messing. And Coad, the sycophant, would be on Corbyn's bus.

      Thank God people voted her out.

    4. Dent Coad is worn to a political frazzle.
      She doesn't razzle-dazzle 'em.

  6. https://www.rbkc.gov.uk/consultations-and-information/petitions-guidance

  7. Concept clearly cribbed from 'Rate your Teacher' type blogs. Key difference is that school students will have direct experience of their teachers and will respond on that basis - maliciously or otherwise. A resident would have to be obsessively interested in RBKC politics to have a working knowledge of all fifty councillors. Or be an 'insider' possibly with an axe to grind. Flawed methodology with poor survey questions. Will inevitably generate some headline grabbing results and a lot of point scoring but nothing of real substance.

    1. Nonsense....some excellent insights are being gained by respondents who clearly have regular dealings with their ward councillors. A picture is building as we speak

    2. 19:27 I agree

    3. 20:29 Sample questions - Pick between 3 and 10 best councillors from the list of 50. Pick between 3 and 10 worst councillors from the list of 50 - I rest my case

    4. 16.15. I have been a resident in RBKC for 60 years. And I have engaged with the Council on a number of issues. I think I have a pretty good grasp of the top Councillors and the bottom Councillors. Don't have to be 100% accurate but a credible picture will emerge

    5. quite right...the picture is becoming clear as the feedback increase

  8. 17.37 is clearly an advert and should be deleted. Regarding the issue under discussion; an excellent idea. The Dame hits the bullseye yet again!

    1. It is very difficult to stop spam. I see the Dame is constantly deleting.


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