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Sunday 1 January 2023


Readers returning home via Heathrow have been astonished by the speed at which they passed through controls...thanks in the main to military personnel who manned the desks.  

How different from the surly and inanimate Border Force people who seem to delight in manufacturing long queues to justify their existence.

Naturally enough, the Public and Commercial Services Union whined about the use of military personnel.

Amusingly it claimed that Border Force people required years of training to do the job: they conveniently forgot that the 'years of training' led to a failure to pick up an illegal immigrant working as a Border Force officer!

Felicity Buchan needs to consider this. The Armed Forces, in short order, stepped in and saved hours of queuing misery.

She should suggest to the chairman of the Home Affairs Committee that senior military officers responsible for saving the day come before the committee. 

Officers could give their candid views on how the hapless Border Force could be made fit for purpose. 

The MOD has taken over the Border Force cutters so why not extend to our airports and ports?


  1. This is a wake up call. Too many lazy and rip off Government employees making our life misery and zero productivity (Border Force, Passports, Swansea, Local Government Officers still working from home, etc etc) There are 5 million of them.

    Time for a new mood. Returned sense of duty. Fair days work for fair days pay. Out with the slackers and Trade Union restrictive practices. Britain has lowest productivity of G7 countries

    1. Perhaps you could enlighten us as to how you see 'a fair days work for a fair days pay' actually being a reality.

    2. Bagehot, you are a pathetic pest. Lets start with actually turning up for work. And then staying for 8 hours (at least). And spending time on the job you are paid to do instead of internet shopping and other personal activities. Do you think you might be able to understand these ideas?

    3. Silly Whip It Out. Bagehot asks a fair question. Discipline is the answer. Sack the wasters for Spanish practices. Make a few examples. The popular mood is ready for the whip

    4. Full employment in the UK. Business desperate for staff. Especially hospitality in London. North Kensington full of people on benefits. This is the wrong time for hard pressed tax payers to be funding social security. IT SHOULD BE STOPPED.

  2. As usual, the Dame, despite being 'elderly and vulnerable' has called out the Border Force for what it is. Come on Buchan....do something useful instead of self aggrandising and follow this idea up

    1. UK workforce is full of "Spanish practices". Flicker likes the limelight. A few well placed words from the Lady In Red might get her some coverage. And do some good

    2. Could someone explain who 'Border Force ' are ? Are they just the civil servants who stamp your passport on the way in & out of the country ? Or are they supposed to be a current variation on 'Thunderbirds' ? ( and if so what is the relationship betwixt Lady Penelope and our own dear Dame ?

  3. Just looked it up & 'Border Force' was created by Theresa May - enough said !


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