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Tuesday 5 September 2023


wrecked by RAAC

Nicholas Price-Thompson is the £130k a year head of communications: his department costs close to £1 million a year....not far off what a FTSE 100 would spend on comms.

So, Mr Price-Thompson would this not be the moment to reassure RBK&C parents that no school was affected by RAAC concrete? 

A statement such as this by the leader would have reassured parents.

"You may have read about the issue with some schools with RAAC concrete and I am writing to reassure you that we have checked with all our schools in RBKC and I can reassure parents and local families that we have no issues with our local schools and we wish all our pupils a successful start to the new academic year"

The Dame has constantly called for the closing down of the communications department and outsourcing to an agency at a substantial budget reduction. 

Any decent agency would have seized the opportunity to proact with a positive story


  1. Absolutely right.
    Unless there is not a positive story to tell.

  2. Then why have primary schools in Chelsea postponed the start of term because ( surprise surprise ) they cannot find a qualified surveyor to give the school a clean bill of health ? Bland press releases which conceal local chaos have always been the soecialisation of RBKC comms. Certainly not worth its cost. Cockell saw comms existed to promote him & conceal any problem - Campbell now doing the same . We can all be sure that none of the children ir grandchildren of this cabinet will be attending schools affected by the Tory war on school maintenance . My grandchildren are not in school in an RBKC primary school this week . Time for Comms to tell the truth


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