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Sunday 10 September 2023


Dominic Cummings is launching a political party and impertinently writes to the Dame demanding her support.

Dully, he calls it the Start-Up party.

Cummings is the mad sod who thought that the Covid rules only applied to the 'Little People'. 

Now he calling upon the 'Little People' to support his new party with its promise of low taxes et al.

He seems to have overlooked Reform UK which promises much of the same.

Cummings believes that only those with high IQs should lead the country. 

What has escaped him is that those with high IQs are generally not good leaders: he is evidence of that.

Commonsense is what is required...and Mr Cummings knows nothing of that. 


  1. Dent Coad take heed -
    . Common sense is required and Dent Coad knows nothing of that

    1. Dent Coad and her campaign have gone very quiet. Does she still plan to stand in Kensington or what?

    2. Please Sir, can I have some more?12 September 2023 at 09:19

      That dreadful woman has raised £24,000 in her fundraising appeal. She has told her supporters (many of whom she claims have nothing and are on the Social) that she will be asking for more money later. She wants to employ paid workers too.

    3. Dent Coad just needs to let it rest. No one wants to hear a posh tankie with a saviour complex . I wonder if she intends to give the money back if she decides she doesn’t want to face losing again?

    4. "Posh tankie with a saviour complex." Brilliant!

      Have you heard that one doing Estuary English. Her attempt to thank those who have nothing but found a fiver for her Election Campaign. Now that is priceless.

      Hope she is shafted in 2024

  2. Even after he drove to Barnard Castle because his eyes didn’t work, Dominic Cummings can see the Tories are finished.

    1. How does Dominic Cummings change a light bulb at Start-Up party HQ? Change a light bulb? Pfft! We are game changers.

  3. Dominic Cummings stated aim is to ‘replace the rotten Tories and win in 2028.’

    1. If there is anyone who knows how to destroy the Conservative party it is Dominic Cummings. But I don’t take his idea of a new ‘start-up’ party seriously? Taking over an existing party is a far more effective route to power, as Cummings knows, because he tried it under Boris Johnson, when he imported his Vote Leave team into Downing Street. The fight for dominance of the Tory party post-Rishi Sunak has already started.


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