with thanks to thisisnorthkensington.wordpress.com


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Wednesday 27 September 2023



This courageous little seven year old is Kaden Taylor. 

Kaden was born without a hand but despite that faces life with courage, humour and enthusiasm.

Here you can see him trying a bionic arm. His parents are desperately trying to raise the £12,000 it will cost.

Any first-world country would fund the cost. 

Here in the UK the NHS refuses saying it has no funds.

Dig into the NHS and you find waste on an epic scale: that is the reason why little Kaden Taylor's family has to fundraise.

You could probably lose 50% of NHS management and not notice.

No wonder the clinical staff are in despair burdened as they are with having to answer to dud managers.



  1. The cost of NHS managers is often lazily brought up as a waste of money but is it really? All large organisations need a well-resourced administration to deliver a good service. Poor allocation of resources, delivered by poor management, certainly leads to waste. In the British Army, the Royal Logistic Corps is 16% of the entire army making it the largest Corps.

    1. An organisation as large as the NHS is by its nature management driven so when that management is decried by clinicians as unfit for purpose you have to make a judgment and that judgment is that it is money wasted. Worse than that is the fear the clinicians have of management: a fear so deep rooted that few dare criticise knowing it could damage their careers

  2. NHS can fund obesity treatments for those with no self control(oh, yes, forgot greed is now am 'illness') yet cannot support this darling little boy who wants to make something of his life. Shocking


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