with thanks to thisisnorthkensington.wordpress.com


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Friday 22 September 2023


Today, at 10.30 am the Hornet had 1000 views....yesterday nearly 2000.

click to enlarge

If councillors are not taking note of comments on the Hornet they are failing in their roles.

Some councillors such as Cllr Weale are so absent from ward work they should resign and give up their lucrative allowances. 

In fact, one wonders exactly what Mrs. Weale does in any sphere of council activity. 

A reader comments that her attendance record is just 59% despite her taking £37,000 a year chairing a committee....it is a slap in the face to taxpayers but I suppose it helps maintain her French manoir in the style it has become accustomed to!

She is so indolent she can't even bother to reply to residents in her ward!

The Dame will often pick up a salient comment. This below is spot on.

"Long-time residents of an area usually know best what to keep and what needs positive change. They are truly invested. Planners come from other areas and cannot know what locals know and feel.
It is time for more weight to be given to the local residents" associations and financial and legal help given to them to rebalance this very slanted power imbalance.

We also need to look at senior officers. Many have decided they don't need to come to the office and prefer to claim their London allowances whilst 'working' from home in some leafy suburb!

Now wonder the country is drowning under local authority spending!


  1. Rubbish, I had a playground redeveloped and the residents where up in arms about it, I got a petition with over 500 signatures on it. We charged on, built it and it was better and more popular than the previous one. The organiser of that petition told me a few years later she regretted her actions and the Council were right (in this case)

  2. Sorry, but could you explain what is "Rubbish" and the exact point of your comment is as it might be lost on most readers. Are you saying that the Council is generally right? Weird

  3. Quentin Marshall has been so preoccupied with his promotion to CEO of Weatherbys that he only managed to attend a paltry 29% of his council meetings.


  4. Mary Weale. Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. Attendance record of only 59%.


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