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Monday 25 September 2023


It has taken this hapless government 13 years to decide  Inheritance Tax is pernicious, vicious, and unfair.

So, frightened of defeat Sunak has decided it now needs reform/abolition. 

Polls tell him even those not liable to have 40% of their assets stolen by the State hate IHT. 

They correctly consider it double taxation.

IHT affects Felicity Buchan's voter base so expect her to soon claim she was instrumental in whatever her boss decides to do!

Another unfair and punitive tax is Business Rates collected by the Royal Borough on behalf of the Government.

As the Tax Collector the Council is allowed to retain a percentage to assist local entrepreneurial activity!

Yes, you could not make it up....the idea councillors and officers have a clue about business is palpable nonsense.

The Council publishes much nonsense about helping business whilst administering the very tax that strangles it!


  1. Plenty in the Conservative Party smell panic and policymaking on the hoof. “The policy blitz is just confusing people,” said one senior Tory. “It smacks of total desperation. HS2, smoking, net zero … Most people just seem to see this as flailing around in every direction rather than having any coherent strategy.” They’ve decided to gamble the house and are behaving like problem gamblers in a casino. Throwing the kitchen sink at random policy. This can only end badly.

    1. Sunak was handed a poisoned chalice by Liz Truss.The Tories deserve a shafting in 2024. Policymaking on the hoof is about the size of it.

    2. Rishi Sunak is a big ‘cringe’!

  2. The Conservatives have just destroyed the last vestige of a chance I might vote for FB. Our need to address climate change is the most urgent and desperate of our age. Yet the Tories blithely place their need to retain a few red wall parliamentary seats over the future of our children! This is an utter disgrace.

    And This is about to be followed by cutting HS2 short at Birmingham. So much for the Northern Power House! This government is about to re-enforce decades of criminal neglect of the North by successive governments.

    History will never forgive the Tories for their blatant cowardice and dishonesty.


    1. £50bn HS2 bill to get from Birmingham to London slower than before - Rishi Sunak


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