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Saturday 9 September 2023


Maxine Holdsworth RBKC Boss

This was an interesting comment about RBK&C management

"Council operatives complain there are 3 to 4 layers of management before the job gets allocated, too many managers and not enough ground staff who apparently leave in droves due to gaslighting, micro-management etc - see trust pilot reviews."

Private companies grow profits: councils 'grow managers'. 

It is exactly the same with the NHS...far too many mediocre managers and far too many doing too little. 

The police are yet another example. 

The British public sector is a byword for management inefficiency.

The Dame was recently peering at the council's organisation chart. 

No private sector company would allow such overemployment.

It's time Councils in particular were forced to look to the private sector when recruiting rather than the same old route of recruiting from within the 'dead hand' public sector.


  1. Miss Holdsworth has done nothing apart from working in housing

    1. .....and the state of housing in Islington where she used to work appears to be very bad indeed.

    2. The 3-4 layers comment is repeated by RBK&C housing management operatives on the ground, many of whom complain of a toxic culture, low moral and bad senior management who push work down the line regardless, they also say RBK&C is much worse when compared with other previous establishments. Surely RBK&C housing management since 2018 needs independent scrutiny and audit. What is going on inside this new organisation?

  2. RBKC X statement on Thursday explained councillor Taylor Smith shifts with immediate effect after 6 years from head of housing and Grenfell recovery to a new brief before inquiry findings are published https://www.rbkc.gov.uk/council-councillors-and-democracy/how-council-works/leader-council-and-leadership-team

  3. Spreadsheet masters of nothing!!! The abhorrent waste within the NHS, LA and Police is outrageous....all pretending they are actually doing something. We need services that work not pieces of meaningless paper designed to make them look busy and cover their backsides when something goes wrong. Where does all the money go that central Government announces they are allocating to these bureaucratic pits? It's public money, should be trackable and residents should see the difference in their lives...thats if it's not filtered away to spreadsheet departments.

    1. are these many layers of 'management' due to no one person upstanding enough to actually take responsitibility? do these layers provide a form of camouflage?

  4. Never heard of her is she accountable for her output?

  5. Maxine Holdsworth is a conscientious and "resident facing" Chief Exec. Think she understands the needs of both the North and South of the Borough. Big improvement on the waffler Barry Quirk.

    1. How exactly is Holdsworthy 'resident facing'? Unless you mean brazenly looking us in the eye whilst paying herself & others exec salaries, plus all the staff who don't do anything & sticking two fingers up at us. She's quieter & less noticeable than Quirk. That's all. She's had a year to improve & so far we've only seen more of the same.

  6. If what you say is true how come the comment about the 3-4 levels of management? Doesn't sound so 'resident facing' or 'conscientious'...

  7. It was precisely the weeding out of experienced and conscientious officers by Cockell & their replacement by toadies who talked the talk of incentivisation & private business jargon without understanding them that led to : Grenfell, the disastrous British Telecoms contract , the attempted flogging off of the Library to private school 'chums' and the Wornington Green College scandal. No wonder that Quirk had to take on hosts of additional officers - After the child Fielding Mellin had finished there wasn't much organisation left . Quirk had to start again .
    And were it not for RBKC having previously been portrayed as a Tory flagship, commissioners would have been sent in & the authority in effect abolished.


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