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Friday 29 September 2023



If Rishi Sunak believes he will win the election by abondoning the 20 MPH limit on the narrow and winding roads of the Borough he is naive. Anyone driving much in excess of this is irresponsible. It risks the lives of all other road users, especially cyclists.

The Dame as a teen.

The Dame has recently started using her childhood bike to wobble around Kensington and encourages others to do likewise. 

This speed limit saves the lives of children and the vulnerable. It also controls the idiot supercar drivers.

The Council now needs more speed cameras to enforce.


  1. there is no evidence about it stopping speeding, in fact if you reduce the speed limit you will increase the amount of people speeding

    1. Bollocks...speeding is well down

  2. The DAME IS UP THE CREEK ON THIS ONE. The 20MPH speed limit is one of the most pernicious and ignorant ideas imaginable. Slows everything down, kills productivity and makes drivers irritated and frustrated when the roads are empty. Another manifestation of the Nanny State. Grown up people know how to drive and when it is sensible to drive at 20MPH, 10MPH and 5 MPH.

    20MPH creates traffic jams and pollution. Bottle it, Dame.

  3. So, speeding along narrow streets aids productivity and allows drivers the thrills of the racetrack reducing their sexual frustration? You must be barking mad. The fact is the 'grown up' drivers think they are Formula 1 drivers when in fact they are ignorant arseholes who think they are smart. We can visualise 18:10 revving up his beefed Range Rover in frustration and he charges down King's Rd.

  4. Perhaps the Dame should retreat to her library to read Professor Ian Plimer's book "Green Murder".

  5. Perhaps the Dame should retreat to her library to read Professor Ian Plimer's book "Green murder" https://www.bing.com/videos/riverview/relatedvideo?q=green+murder+by+ian+plimer&mid=8931DA775CDD4552E3A08931DA775CDD4552E3A0


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