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Wednesday 13 September 2023


Coleman(right) discussing with Smith St resident

The Labour candidate for Chelsea and Fulham, Ben Coleman describes the Marks & Spencer development plans as damaging to the character of King's Road. 

Upon meeting residents, Coleman said, "Residents have told me of their concerns, which I share, about M&S’s overbearing plans for its King’s Road site. This would mean more canyonisation of the road and further damage the character of the area. I'm clear that local people, not developers, must come first."

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  1. Quite right as well. 3 huge developments on the Kings Rd , Waitrose, The Cinema and St James' Walk. Time for a breather please from the endless stream of construction traffic and fumes in the Kings Road . Let Chelsea breathe again

    1. Absolutely agree! King’s Road has become a noisy and unfriendly location; not at all a residents and others would wish.

  2. An extremely significant precedent will be set if this development is permitted, not only because the scale is so far off from that of its surrounding area, but also because it is located in one of the most - if not THE most residential part of Kings Road. It becomes hard to set any limits on any RBKC development if such a project gets approved.

  3. Ben Coleman says "Local people....must come first"....
    For the time he has been a councilor in Fulham, he has not put people first. Why would we rely on him now?

  4. A decent Labour candidate for Chelsea and Fulham?! What's next, a Labour MP for Chelsea and Fulham?!

    1. Well maybe. But someone called Knight is campaigning for the LibDems so it will be another shoo-in for Greg Hands

    2. Perhaps not. If the Conservative MP doesn't listen to voters, then I am sure tactical voting could take place. The objectors are primarily Tory voters who have already intimated they will put their cross next to the candidate who they feel has at least listened to their concerns. Status Quo in Conservative seats is not necessarily sacrosant these day, so Greg needs to be aware.

    3. Yes, 13.05: Tactical voting could indeed take place. But who would they vote for? Coleman is brandishing a straw poll that says Labour has the best chance of winning. Knight is quoting the 2019 result where LibDems came 2nd.
      Unless Knight and Coleman do a deal which is highly unlikely my prediction is Knight 30% Coleman 30%, Fruitcakes 5% Hands 35%.
      You read it here first.

    4. 23.39 here. Seeing the Dame's other post that Knight has thrown in the towel makes my prediction look, ahem, not so good.
      Will the LibDems now keep their heads down to give Coleman a fighting chance?

  5. Redevelopment is not a bad thing when it is done with care and regard for the local area and for a reasonable commercial purpose. This oversized redevelopment plan is wholly inappropriate for the area and will irreparably harm the two conservation areas that are adjacent to the site. There is also no business case for this extensive expansion because there is no demand for additional office space (prime or other) in the local area. We appreciate Ben Coleman taking the time to investigate this situation and to support The residents in opposition to this monstrosity. Thank you Ben!

  6. I don't know a single resident (voter!) who wants another tall building along the KR. Which begs the question: why on earth are the council backing this at all?

    1. Why are the Council backing this? One word - MONEY.

      It is all that these Tories care about. Money. Money. Money. Who needs residents, money talks.

  7. This development is a stinker and should be shelved.

  8. Is it M&S who are wanting to redevelop the site? I thought it was owned by a rapacious landlord from East of Suez.

    1. The foreign landlords who want to profit & replace current tenants with luxury goods shops & luxury offices. M&S wish to remain as is

    2. The Environmental Impact will be hugh for many years. This is a well functioning building that serves the Community well. Why change what aint broken.

  9. My experience of Coleman as a Labour Councillor at H&F was not good. A difficult and troublesome character. Always meddling.

    1. Isn't 'meddling' what he's supposed to do as a Councillor

    2. It was disruptive and counterproductive. Not a positive and constructive contribution.

    3. So 11:12 would prefer a councillor who does sod all. Try moving to N. Kensington. No shortage of useless councillors who sit on their backsides no casework or correspondence & get paid an allowance for nothing here..

    4. Or rather the muppets she put in because they made her look good & wouldn't challenge her/be a threat to her leadership.

    5. Spot on 15.40. EDC is manipulative.

  10. 21:20 - we’d all have been better served if he did “sod all”.

  11. Ben Coleman is already putting the wind up our useless Tory Council who have always held the door open for developers whilst restricting residents ro 2 minutes - and that only for window dressing . Do Labour members of the Planning Committee actually turn up to planning meetings nowadays ?

    1. Do Labour councillors in K & C turn up to anything these days? They've got Councillor Can't be Arsed Elnagi in charge of planning these days so don't expect anything there.

    2. Is Elnaghi the worst of those taking responsibility allowances for doing nothing ?

    3. If you put them in categories of outstanding good mediocre & bloody hopeless the no casework doesn't contribute anything & can't chair meetings Cllr Elnagi belongs in the bloody hopeless category

      He should have been deselected ages ago but instead the knives went out for outstanding Ian Henderson. Go figure.

    4. None of the present labour group are in any way outstanding.
      If Colman does pull off a win in Chelsea I hope he has an idea of what he'll be having to deal with.

  12. Not sure why he calls it M&S plans , M&S do not own the property I belive that is the HALJ Group of Dubai. M&S are just a tenant who owuld like to stay but their lease expires this year they would like to come back but are waiting to see what the devloper does and whether the new layout etc would suit them or be viable

  13. The London Area of the Labour Party had finally woken up to the piss poor quality of Dent's selection of borough Councillors and most of them will not be allowed to stand again. So RBKC will be effectively without an opposition for 2 more years . But there is much to look forward to in the Parliamentary contest . Have Coleman and Powell tickled the Dame's fancy yet ?

    1. Dent Coad is a self-serving socialist disgrace. The shafting of Henderson, Press, Healy and Niall was designed to see off opposition to Dent Coad being the Labour candidate in candidate 2024. Those who live by shafting their opponents pay the ultimate price.


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