with thanks to thisisnorthkensington.wordpress.com


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Thursday 21 September 2023


The Dame was sent this letter from Martin Lomas, the RBK&C planning officer intimately involved in the M&S development. He says enough is enough so basically 'back off'! 

The Dame notices his letter ends with "Our Values: putting Communities in their place"

Only planning officers living nearby rather than those living miles away should have an opinion!

Just a little Dame joke!

Click to enlarge


  1. or Putting Communities in a situation where they have just a few minutes to make their case while DP9 take as long as they like!

  2. How about Our Values....Putting Communities behind DP9 and Pilbrow

    1. Exactly that. With Husband/Bennett serving as the enablers.

  3. If the fat toad is chairing DP9 & Pilbrow will already have the champagne on ice

  4. The Dame's Moderator22 September 2023 at 08:23

    Would the dear reader who commented about the 'M&S plan and the Haj owners please re-post as it was deleted in error

  5. Dear Dame,

    As you stated correctly, the planning system could not be more unfair: developers get almost unlimited access to planning officers, while the public, who may have legitimate concerns about projects, can only send e-mails that may or may not get answered...

    Also, although all the officers have been supplied with or at least have subsidised 'work mobile phones', it is almost impossible to reach them by telephone .

    As many of them are still on 'work from home' for half the working week, while others in private industry have been back at their desks for ages, I can well believe that by now a sizeable applications backlog has accumulated. And once again it is the public, who are supposed to pick up the slack. Outrageous! Also, one is left wondering, how many site visits are actually taking place these days, or does Street View and a satellite image suffice?

    Dearest Dame, we are altogether getting rather a rum deal! Has someone chalked on our backsides 'kick me', while we weren't looking? I feel the worm is about to turn!

    Speak soon, Darling!

    Warmest regards,


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