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Sunday 29 October 2023



Several ministers....more senior to Felicity Buchan, suggest Inheritance Tax needs reform. 

Miss Buchan says the ministerial code silences her and is unable to give a view.

It sounds as if she is making herself out to be a special case!

Rampant property price inflation impacts Miss Buchan’s constituents yet the payment point has remained unadjusted for many years: IHT is a classic example of double taxation. 

Numerous surveys suggest it is one of the UK’s most hated taxes.

Stamp duty is another tax in need of drastic reform. 

Payment thresholds have never been adjusted to reflect property price inflation. 

Patrick Bullick of Chelsea based agency, Stanley Chelsea opines: 

"The progressively higher Stamp Duty hits her constituents harder than most. She should be fighting for Stamp Duty to be the same % whatever the value of the property. Lower Stamp Duty on the higher value properties would mean a more fluid market allowing properties to be bought by those who really need them.

Felicity Buchan should also be aware that the 28% CGT on investment property (vs 20% on other assets) again restricts fluidity and keeps prices higher than they need to be."

Finally, Kensington businesses- large and small, struggle with business rates.

Business rates are calculated on rental values. 

Inflation has forced up rents over the last two decades yet no adjustments have been made. 

If your rent is £40,000 a year you can expect to pay nearly half of that in (anti) business rates.

The MP’s current obsession appears to be running a Kensington Environment Forum.

The Dame would prefer Miss Buchan to hold a Forum on these taxes that hit her constituents hard. 

She needs to sort out her priorities. 

Running a Kensington Environment Forum is not a priority. 


  1. These are good points. What on earth if the point of some local environment forum. That is a multi governmental issue not some local Kensington thing.

  2. First she goes on about LGBT now this.

  3. She will all the Green nutters turning up

  4. FB was a shoo in fixed by Dizzy Lizzie. She has been a bit of a disaster

  5. It seems Felicity is more interested in career advancement than advancing the interests of constituents.

    1. Just like her predecessor, Emma Dent Coad, preferment with Corbyn's Labour Party at the expense of constituents. At least Felicity got five years' parliamentary pension rights for her all her trouble over that time.

    2. ‘Her political career’ has given Felicity Buchan MP a homelessness brief. What has happened? Instead of solving the crisis, homelessness is getting worse.

  6. It seems that my old friend, Felicity has got well on the wrong side of the vile Dame

  7. Don't be so hard on Flicka - the poor love.

    That ghastly Hands bloke in neighbouring Chelsea and Fulham is just as bad as Flicka for saying that he is a Minister and is constrained from speaking out on vital matters of policy owing to the doctrine of collective responsibility.

    It would not be breach of collective responsibility for Flicka and Hands, as Ministers, to campaign for reforms to Inheritance tax UNLESS there has already been a full and frank discussion on this matter in Cabinet and the Government's position on the issue is now settled. It sounds like Cabinet has already debated the Inheritance Tax matter and has decided policy - to leave things as they are - and as Corbyn would have it, let the rich bastards pay- which is the real why this pair of useless yokes are being mealy mouthed and doing nothing. I predict that the pair of them will be "shafted" at the General Election and that will be their due as Ministers.

    1. As this gov will be out on its ear I suppose they think why give anything to voters. Very foolish

    2. Felicity Buchan is not stupid yet she is shooting herself in both feet by not campaigning openly to reform IHT and Stamp Duty

    3. I am gay and frankly I am tired of small minded politicians using LGBT to raise votes. I have never had issues of prejudice. Get on with your job of serving all without currying favour with segments

  8. Is the Dame about to get behind Joe Powell? Looks like she is not very pro Felicity

    1. Get behind him based on what ?

    2. That he's better than Flikka??

    3. Powell is better than Flick and EDC put together.

  9. Pissing off the Dame is a very serious mistake

  10. Duchess of Rutland29 October 2023 at 17:23

    Powell and Coleman for the Royal Borough, I say.

    You know perfectly well that the Gracious, Glorious, and Estimable Dame is not political.

    1. My Dear Duchess, As a matter of fact, I will be passing quite close to Belvoir in the next few days. Perhaps I could beg a bed for the night? One gets so tired of the awful service at Travel Lodge. The Dame

    2. My wife and I espousing such special trust in the Dame Hornet of Hornton Street are more than happy to offer our best room with a comfy divan (minus the pesky Travel Lodge bedbugs) and our best carpeting from the John Lewis Partnership (minus the cat fleas from the local guesthouse) whenever the Good, Glorious and Resplendent Lady deigns to grace us at Belvoir with her presence.

  11. Flicks should listen to Dr Ian Plimer (a geoogist) and author of 'Green Murder' and she might learn something: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tK4LNIvlcCY


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