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Sunday 22 October 2023


Cllr Mona Adam wants Britain to do far more to help refugees. 

Some of us might mind her inference we are not doing enough quite insulting.

Britain can be proud of its history of helping refugees settle into this country. 

For a country close to bankruptcy we are doing more than our fair share.

We are now full to bursting.  

Perhaps it is time Cllr Adam told us why rich Middle Eastern countries such as Saudi Arabia and the UAE are doing so little to assist their co-religionists fleeing oppression and war? 

Both countries are rich beyond the dreams of avarice. 

When they do invite in the dispossessed treat them callously.

Cllr Adam is a very irritating person....


  1. It is a shame Mona cannot be as productive as refugee doctors and nurses. Since she arrived in this country she has contributed nothing to the economy in the way of taxes. With her it's all about making hard working people who do pay tax support her and those similar to her. Sponger comes to mind!

    1. She also contributes nothing to council meetings

  2. It's all mememememe with Mona https://metro.co.uk/2022/06/20/i-came-to-the-uk-as-an-asylum-seeker-now-im-a-proud-local-councillor-16838450/

    1. What was she drinking or smoking at the local elections last year?
      That was a bloody embarrassing result for K & C Labour. No wards gained at all bucking the swing against the government everywhere else & finishing behind Lib Dems in target wards. She "won" in a ward where red votes might as well be weighed.

    2. Golborne was a 'Labour hold' not a win. What an idiot she is. Another one doing nothing who got put in a safe seat job for life by EDC and her cronies.

    3. Not 'for life' - the Labour Party is fully aware of the uselessness of the current block of ''Emma-ite 'Councillors and will replace them all at the next Council elections.

    4. That's nearly all of them!

  3. Why doesn't she get a proper job

    1. Not sure what she does in her council job to be honest except the mandatory voting on motions & attending the odd meeting for the purpose of collecting her allowance. She's not the only one.

  4. Great to see more , Hamas supporting extremists resigning from Kensington Labour Party . This will make it so much easier for the local party to represent the real priorities of local members and the electorate . Such a pity that do much time and effort has been wasted in useless posturing and factionalism.

    1. That's another Mona

    2. The UN chief says he is "deeply concerned about the clear violations of international humanitarian law that we are witnessing in Gaza". Antonio Guterres condemns both the use of civilians as "human shields" and the bombing of southern Gaza after an evacuation order.

    3. But has not yet condemned Hamas for massacre of innocent kids and babies? The blame for what has happened lies at Hamas's door

    4. So is the killing of children perceived, according to the twisted logic of The Judge, different for Israel and Hamas?

    5. Dimwit....read my comment. Guterres referred to the deaths of Gazan children with no mention of those Israeli children killed in deliberate cold blood

    6. Antonio Guterres said: 'Nothing can justify the deliberate killing, injuring and kidnapping of civilians or the launching of rockets on civilian targets.'

    7. The Judge referred to the death of Israel kids and babies with no mention of those children killed in the bombing of southern Gaza after an evacuation order.

  5. Not a word from this woman about the countless 'refugees' here who are violent and undeserving. She makes an industry over refugees. T

    1. I don't mind where councillors come from. It's no issue to me if they come from humble backgrounds or not. But I do mind very much if they get paid by us to do f all for their wards and nothing at council meetings like this one and a few others.


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