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Wednesday 18 October 2023



Cllr 'Moaner' Ahmed is fed to the back teeth with the democratically elected leader of the Labour Party.

She has decided to leave the Party but still wants to hang on in there as an Independent.

In all her ramblings it should be noted that not once has she condemned Hamas.

That's fine but she needs to resign and let the electorate decide. 

Why she ever took the Labour whip is a great mystery as it seems she has always been deeply in love with Mr Corbyn. 


  1. People like Cllr Ahmed from Egypt may be valuable members of the community. However, the UK is now being filled with global flotsam and jetsam. The majority are ill educated, are not interested in this country; its history or culture. They stay tight within their enclaves and are a great burden on society. However, for intelligent incomers like Ahmed they represent a chance to control by making them all sorts of outlandish promises. The likes of Cllr Ahmed really don't like the British very much and certainly don't much understand our values. If she had her way she would submerge this country with wave after wave of immigration. We are a tiny island with very limited resources. Cllr Ahmed has an agenda which is anti-British.

  2. Cllr Ahmed didn't ' take the Labour whip' she was put there by Dent Coad & Lari when they culled the real Labour Councillors at the last Council elections .
    Since then the party , locally and nationally has come to its senses. Leaving the current Labour Group like a dirty tidemark in an empty bathtub . Dent Coad will now go ahead & form her own group of 'independent councillors ' and claim a small extra allowance for herself. The sooner the rest of this enterist 'scum' stop pretending to be anything to do with mainstream Labour Party the better. But unfortunately nothing can be done to remove them from office & deprive them of their allowances (for doing nothing ) until the next Council elections in 2 years time.

    1. If Emma Dent Coad had just one shred of decency in her self possessed, self obsessed body she would resign her seat in St. Helen's Ward. St. Helen's voters voted for a Labour woman. As Dent Coad is no longer a proper Labour woman, she should let a by election settle who represents St Helen's. I don't suppose she will, she does not have independent means and needs the money.

    2. She replaced Councillor Atkinson, who is best known publicly for writing the following comments -

      Mr Atkinson’s messages read as follows: "We have allowed the Zionists to run rings round us for far too long… If anyone were to describe me as anti-Semitic for denouncing Israel as an apartheid state I would punch them !"


    3. Straightening 08.1419 October 2023 at 10:23

      It is not antisemitic to criticise the State of Israel. Criticism of Israel and zionism is legitimate.

      Atkinson is not antisemitic whereas Dent Coad is, without a shadow of doubt, antisemitic.

      Atkinson has the intelligence not venture in to antisemitic tropes whereas, Dent Coad does so ignorantly and freely.

      Dent Coad, the aristocratic socialist descended from Christopher Columbus and the Borgias, liked a social media feed which said that "Israel brings shame on every Jewish person."

      This is a despicable trope which seeks to demonise every Jew. Dent Coad would have known it was a trope.

      (i) Not every Jewish person agrees with the Israeli Government.
      (ii) Jewish people, as an ethnic group, are not responsible for the sins and war crimes of Israel. Blame rests with the Israeli Government.
      (iii) It is a false correlation to suggest that because the Israeli Government is made up of Jewish people that makes every other Jewish person responsible to the extent that they should feel shame. No one would blame every Christian in the world for our shameful invasion and war in Iraq.

    4. Marvellous straightener 10: 23

      No one ever said that Apartheid South Africa brings shame on every white person.

    5. It is interesting that Layla Moran, the only Palestinian Member of Parliament, never resorts to antisemitism.

      Whereas Emma Dent Coad, Jeremy Corbyn MP and countless other marxists jump straight in to it with both feet.

    6. Jeremy Corbyn MP and Emma Dent Coad, sacked MP, typify the racism of the hard left. For this pair, racism only applies to people of colour. As the majority of Jewish people in the UK tend to be white this pair do not see them as a race, religion and a culture. Those on the hard left are usually very careful to check what they say before they say it to ensure they are not heralding deeply held racist sentiments. This pair engage their left wing gobs before they engage their brains and we hear their virulent antisemitic prejudices. Shame be on them.

    7. Shame be on them, indeed.

      We must not allow the hard left the opportunity to import in to the UK their perverted, political, ideals about Israel.

      It is wrong to conflate the politics of the Government of Israel with Jewish people generally and, that includes Jewish people living in this country.

      Corbyn is on record saying, "Hamas are my friends." The Hamas Charter is full of antisemitic tropes and one in particular comes to mind -

      ... a false claim that "the Jew use his money to control the media."

      This claim is grotesque, ignorant and wrong. Decent people must not fall in to this antisemitic trap.

      On the subject of the Middle East, I am very sympathetic to the plight of Palestinian people but I refuse to be drawn in to hating Jewish people. As a London Irish child growing up in the Uk in the sixties and seventies, I hated the violence and ignorance visited on me when IRA committed a terrorist act. I was a child, for god sake, and was not responsible for the terrorism - any more than Jews born, or living, in the UK today are responsible for Israeli Government policy.

      With love to Palestinian and Jewish people wherever you are in the world.

  3. And the Labour Party sits and watches and does nothing.

  4. And Posho Powell does nothing. We are watching you.

  5. What's the point of the labour party? Under Keir Stalin it's driven to support virtually every conservative policy. No surprise then that so many members are resigning

    1. The ones resigning are the bonkers Hamas supporting crazies. We are well shot of them

    2. Well said and totally correct

  6. What's this? A zio bot?


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