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Thursday 12 October 2023


smug looking councillor

Dear Dame

Cllr Ahmed has a curious way of expressing sympathy for the killing of unarmed young people in Israel.

Her tweet seems to suggest that as they were partying on land Hamas claimed they were legitimate targets....

She is an NHS psychiatrist working at St George's Hospital so let her consider this.

Those who compare HAMAS to ISIS make a major mistake….ISIS never, as HAMAS has done, deliberately targeted innocent civilians as a sort of ‘show stopper’. 

The cruelty and depravity of what Hamas did ranks probably well above ISIS. 

Over 1000 innocent unarmed babies, children men, and women were targeted in a series of face-to-face executions. 

There is no precedent for that.

The Nazis in the last war….perhaps.... but even that was less depraved except on the vastness of its scale but still takes NO 1 position in the horrors and evils of this world. 

HAMAS takes No 2 position in Jewish annals and those of the civilised world. 

Pol Pot’s regime? Those massacres were not as familiar. 

The PTSD that was inflicted on all of Israel and Israelis around the world will take generations to recover from. 

My granddaughters aged 3& 5 are learning to live in fear and running to bomb shelters a few times a night: what kind of effect will that have on their life?

I vividly remember, as a 12-year-old, a mortar shell exploding behind my father’s car as he drove me like a madman to escape Jerusalem during 1967. The trauma affects still.

People call it Israel’s 9/11. 

Here are some numbers for you. 

USA is a country of 320,000,000 people. 3,000 were murdered in 9/11/2001. 

That is horrible but is well less than 1- 40,000. 

Terrible but… Israel is a country of 9,000,000. 1,200 died here. That is 45,000 people were killed in 9/11 in the USA/ FIFTEEN times worse. 

So, no, nothing like 9/11, much, much worse.The intelligence and defense forces epic failure will be investigated and learned but coming back to point 2 the effect of that on the Israeli psyche will live for a very long time.

Yours sadly,



  1. Amed is the idiot who thinks that K&C has so much surplus housing that it can accomodate all the refugees-genuine or not crossing the channel. She obviously hates this country.

  2. She says the Ukranian refugees are invited to stay with residents but no one invites the cross channel lot. Maybe it's because they are nervous about the sorts of people crossing the channel illegally!

  3. Hamas has plan. It is not a two state plan. The plan is to rid Israel of Jewish people...no more..no less. Radical Muslims like Cllr Ahmed are Hamas's useful idiots

  4. For a NHS employed psychiatrist not to even refer to the murder of babies by Hamas is shocking. Not a word of condolence. I cannot recall ever an instance of a Israeli soldier hacking the head of a 6 month baby. Cllr Dr Ahmed? You are a disgrace to the Council and those you represent.


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