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Wednesday 5 October 2022


Missing Mo

Dear Dame (Fount of All Knowledge),

Can you tell us what has happened to Cllr. Mo Bakhtiar?  

One minute he is Deputy Mayor & then Leader of the Opposition. 
Then he survives the purge of the sensible Labour Councillors (even if he did need to change wards
Next thing he becomes a non-person, without a single committee place. The ever cryptic Labour Whip now tells enquirers that "He is not a Labour Councillor ".
If that is so has anyone told Kensington Labour Party Members and much less the constituents who elected him?

Is Cllr. Bakhtiar just another victim of the Dent Coad purge who was useful to keep in place when the rest of the serious Labour Councillors were canned?  Is he actually now doing anything to justify his position and basic allowance?

But do not spare any sympathy for 'No friends Mo'. 
His was the 'swing vote ' that led to the removal of useful Cllrs. Press, Henderson, Atkinson, Blakeman,Nail & Healy from office & their replacement by such, well paid, incompetents as Elnaghi and Thaxter. 
His reward for treachery was to be given the position of Labour Group Leader (with its generous allowance) until Dent Coad was ready to resume her place as Labour Leader. 
His usefulness at an end, Bakhtiar was then
unceremoniously dumped back on the back benches.

This leaves a couple of mysteries that one hopes The  Dame can solve :
1. What was the hold that Dent Coad held over the luckless Bakhtiar?
2. Has he been suspended by the Labour Party? If he has is this not a matter for RBKC Council also? .....Further, when will these matters be resolved? 
Equally, do they have any relevance to the forthcoming & hotly contested selection of Labour's Parliamentary  Candidate?


  1. Another great exposure by the Dame. Ruthless movements by EDC and Lari to create a Marxist cell in RBKC. (paid for by Council Tax).The best thing ever for the Conservatives. The worst thing ever for the Borough.

    Labour Central Office needs to be alerted. With victory in his sights, Starmer cannot afford to have this squalid little show in his back yard.

    1. I’m sure Lari can bankroll this with his new banker bonus cap removal to continue being a bag carrier for Emma Dense Toad 80s Militant politics.

    2. What or who is Lari?

  2. The Evening Standard and the Mail need to be alerted

  3. https://www.rbkc.gov.uk/committees/Councillors/tabid/62/ctl/ViewCMIS_Person/mid/384/id/404/ScreenMode/Alphabetical/Default.aspx

  4. It clearly states on his RBKC profile he is Kensington and Chelsea Labour. Lari full of lies again.

  5. Is there a suggestion that Councillor Bahktiar was being blackmailed ?


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