The Dame having met Kwarteng years ago understood the dangers of appointing an academic to look after the country's purse strings. What a disastrous 38 days it has been. The Dame knew KK of old and that is why she was horrified by his appointment. Truss cannot be trusted to make any serious appointment.
This is what the Dame wrote about Kwarteng a decade ago
Big mouth Kwasi Kwarteng is atypical of much of the new MP intake...he just can't resist any opportunity, however poorly judged, to get into the press.
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Apart from working as a financial analyst for 'Committed Christian' hedgie, Crispin Odey, (who built the fabled £130,000 henhouse-very Christian!) Kwasi has never had a proper job-unless you count shorting stocks.
Kwarteng knows nothing of the travails of ordinary working people, thus no surprise he is an avid supporter of the Cable plan. The plan would force the elderly-often income poor, but asset comfortable, to sell their homes: it is a form of social cleansing unknown previously in this country.
But, in his pursuit of this daft property tax our brainbox overlooks a sequential effect..... landlords will pass the tax onto their tenants!
If Kwarteng reads the papers he will know London rental values are rocketing and will continue to do so.
Taxing £1 million/ £2 million homeowners will create a ripple effect: it will force up rental values throughout London.
Everybody will suffer...... Kwasi Kwarteng should have thought about that before throwing his ample weight behind a crass idea.
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