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Friday 14 October 2022


Beware the politician who starts off with 'Let's be Honest'.
Usually a prelude to a bunch of lies!
Mete Coban starts off with this plaintive cry and then rambles on about what a saintly soul he is.

Mete Coban is the latest to throw his hat into the Kensington seat battle. Order-Order has funny stuff HERE about good old Labour infighting.

To con us into believing he is different from all those other horrid politicians he has produced(probably with Hackney Council Propaganda Unit) a moody, slow-motion film with the voters looking upon him as if he was some sort of saint. 

Maybe The old Dame is a cynic but she is never taken in by these sorts of film shows. 

Be sickened HERE

Coban is a senior Hackney Council councillor. 

For those who know nothing it's a council run by Labour for years
with a horrifying reputation for multi-level corruption so don't start preaching to us about political morality, Mister!


  1. In fact, there a many politicians that start from humble backgrounds...Ernie Bevin was one such so you are not unique even though you are trying to con us into believing so.

  2. The carpet bagger from 'ackney!

  3. I have never understood second gen immigrants like this guy who don't want to go back to their own corrupt countries and put things right. Instead they bore on about how awful life is here.

  4. Man of the North14 October 2022 at 16:37

    Has Coban ever had a proper job? He talks a lot about repping the 'working people' but does seem to have done much work himself.

  5. Sounds a real piece of Turkish Delight....should have the girls in thrall with his moody ways. Surprised the old Dame has not fallen for him.

  6. Who prepared and financed the film?

  7. What does Coban mean by #OneOfOurOwn ? This divisive racism might work for him in Hackney, but he shouldn't be allowed to get away with it in Kensington.

  8. Coban is being propped up and guided by old Colville soul Mr Ian Henderson as revenge for his deselection in the elections earlier this year. Also supporting Coban are former Cllrs Press, Atkinson, Nadia Nail and Pat Healy. All of them bitter and resentful. Ian has been following Coban around and ‘training’ him for months like a wise old mage - before May 2022 Coban had never been seen in the borough but thinks attending a couple of North Kensington BBQs, Carnival and a Grenfell memorial warrant him being elevated to the status of MP for Kensington. North Kenners will never forgive Ian Henderson or Pat Healy if Coban is selected as the candidate.

    1. Get your facts right. Press, Healy & Nail support other candidates.

  9. If there’s anyone upstairs Mete won’t be on the shortlist.


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