Please find information, below, about the call for evidence which has been launched by the Flood Risk Management Working Group, which is chaired by Cllr Adourian.
You may wish to share this information about the call for evidence with residents in your ward.
Call for Evidence: Flooding Risk Management Working Group
Do you have experience of flooding or flood risk management in the borough? If so, you can submit a written submission to the Flooding Risk Management Working Group.
The purpose of the call for evidence is to allow members of the working group to have a greater in-depth understanding of how residents are being affected by flooding and flooding risk. Ideally, your submission should focus on:
• how flooding or flooding risk has affected your home or household
• how flooding or flooding risk has affected your quality of life
• what you have done, or would like to do, to manage flooding risk.
Members of the working group will consider the responses, which will be anonymised, as part of their evidence-gathering and in the development of their final report and recommendations.
The call for evidence opens on Friday 30 September and closes on Friday 4 November.
Please email your submission to and write ‘Flooding Scrutiny Submission’ in the subject line. If you are unable to email, post your responses to: Scrutiny Team, Kensington Town Hall, Hornton Street, London, W8 7NX.
Please do not provide unnecessary personal details or identify other individuals. Please note that the call for evidence isn’t part of the Council’s complaints processes and can’t be used for complaints and information about other organisations. We may contact you about your submission, which should be no more than 2 sides of A4 or 1,000 words.
Kind regards,
Callum Southern
Governance Officer
The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea | Kensington Town Hall | Hornton Street | London W8 7NX
(E) (M) 07903152490

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