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Tuesday 11 October 2022


The ludicrous Cllr Kasim Ali is pitching himself as the next Labour MP for Kensington. 

Ali has form for going missing in action so if successful constituents might find he has 'gone missing' when they need him....AVOID! 

Read what the Dame had to say about this man and his claims HERE

Emma Dent Coad is also on the interview list. 

How will she get on with a leader she was described as "TOXIC"?


  1. A sad reflection on the political parties that they can only throw nonentities at Kensington

  2. What has ever Ali ever done in life?

  3. Is he a Councillor in RBKC ?

  4. I'll bet the Tories are quivering..with laughter. Looks like Flicka will win again if Labour put this chap on the ballot. His exchanges in the Council have been pitiful. When he's there !

  5. Seems like he is gunning for the Somali vote. Kasim Ali is far too confident relative to his abilities and has evidently been positioning himself for this candidacy from the start. A man of no substance and a very poor performer in the council. Satire is dead if he wins the candidacy.

    1. Miss Pricilla Everington-Smythe12 October 2022 at 08:02

      I hope he is not connected to any Somali warlord

  6. Labour could have had Iain Henderson...a proven councillor and community advocate instead he was decapitated by the doctrinaire ultra Left

  7. Felicity Buchan MP12 October 2022 at 08:18

    Cllr Ali Kasmin is an excellent choice for Labour. He has great debating skills and will scare me to death at the hustings. I am seriously considering standing down in the face of Cllr Ali's fearsome wit and forensic analysis of economic data

  8. Rupert Jenkinson-Spragg.12 October 2022 at 08:36

    Labour should also avoid the Dent Coad woman; an odious creature. Get Henderson back in the fold but this time as MP.

    Signed by the hyphen.

  9. KENSINGTON GENEALOGY SERVICES12 October 2022 at 08:37

    May I please beg of all you to select a candidate of impeccable aristo breeding. The Hon Emma Dent Coad represents all that is good about 'noblesse oblige' and is ideally suited to dealing the problems of the lower orders. My research into her ancestry reveals that she is even related to a Tory Prime Minister. "Miss Dent Coad’s grandfather, Frankland Dent, married Spaniard Carmen de Mira y Perceval, whose Spanish ancestors have links to Italian explorer Columbus and are distantly related to Spencer Perceval, who in 1812 was the only British prime minister to be assassinated in office. Frankland Dent’s sister Carmen Mary Dent, Miss Dent Coad’s great aunt, also married into the aristocracy."

    1. Now here's a how do you do from Dent Coad.12 October 2022 at 17:10

      On this day in 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue.

      Dent Coad told parliament in her maiden speach that the constituency, Kensington, is in her DNA.

      According to her Wiki page, she was born in STEPNEY. Her DNA is engrained in the dreary streets of Tower Crumblets. We have had the Medici nonsense, so we now get the Columbus, Pereceval, Borja de Borgia rubbish. She told a bloke whom I know that she was classier than any of the Tories on the Council. It is important to her that everyone knows she is a cut above the working classes; otherwise why would she treat us to these shitty, worthless, rumblings.

    2. Labour's Finest.12 October 2022 at 17:51

      PS. EDC also let it be known that no Tory Councillors on RBKC used to be married to the son of a Baronet - now Sir Hadley D'Oyly.

    3. Henderson is what the working man, and working woman, needs representing them.

    4. Now hear this and hear it good and proper Kensington Labour.13 October 2022 at 08:19

      Dent has said that she does "not know what Keir Starmer is about." She had no problems in getting what Jeremy Corbyn was all about: Marxism, antisemitism, hating western values, hankering for soviet imperialism, venerating Iranian values. If she has the intelleigence to understand the misguided Corbyn, she has the intelligence to understand Starmer.

      What she really wants to be is a rebel: she never got over rebellion in adolescent. We need someone who will work with Starmewr hook line and sinker to build a better Britain.

      Signed by a proper working class woman from Yorkshire now living in Dalgrano.

    5. What do Jeremy Corbyn MP, Diane Abbott MP and Emma Dent Coad (a sacked MP) have in common.

      They all sent their kids to Public School.

      Jeremy Corbyn, Diane Abbott, and Emma Dent Coad all say,

      "We all should tell the state,
      she has no right to educate."

      ....and their action show they mean it.

  10. This guy is to politics , what Kawarteng is to fiscal policy.

  11. The Dame and her followers completely miss the point. This is a fix. Those controlled by EDC have put up no hope case Ali to oppose her. She will win. RBKC is an insiders game. Residents do not know what is going on because they are disinterested. We have only ourselves to blame. A candidate like Henderson would give inspirational Leadership and bring fire back to RBKC democracy

    The Tories are stuffed. Labour could adopt a donkey as candidate and the four legged creature would end up in Westminster.


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