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Saturday 29 October 2022


For just a few months, Felicity Buchan was Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury. 

With many years of senior experience in investment banking, she was suited perfectly to the job. 

In his wisdom, Sunak dumped her and replaced her with a joker called James Cartlidge. 

A quick look at Cartlidge's background is worrying: he has bugger all financial experience and is lacklustre in comparison to Buchan.

There is far too much of this shuffling the pack and coming up with jokers like Cartlidge and the appalling Gavin Williamson.

Buchan should have been kept in a job that suited her skills perfectly.


  1. What a pointless switch. One would be hard pressed to find a better fit than Felicity. Crazy

  2. A senseless and worrying decision: Cartlidge does not seem very serious

  3. She openly backed Truss

    1. Which does not say much for her judgement . We do not require technical expertise from our politicians ( that is what Civil Servants are SUPPOSED to be for ) . What we require in our politicians is 'nowse' & Felicity , in backing Truss , proved that she is lacking in 'nowse'

    2. She went overboard on her support for Truss. She has always been very ‘political’. This time she made the wrong call. I am sure Sunak asked Hunt for a view. He was clearly unimpressed.

    3. Sad. Really sad. A great ambition turned to dust. Toast

    4. She openly backed Boris too until the writing was on the wall, anyway she will not be standing as MP next time they are looking for another seat for her as given boundary changes they seems to have decided kensington will be a Labour MP from now on from the next GE by the way they have removed some wards and added labour wards instead

  4. She did get some sort of replacement job https://order-order.com/2022/10/28/ri-shuffle-day-3/

  5. One does wonder if this was change for change sake as personally whether one is a fan or not given her background surely the Treasury is where she was best placed

  6. Well I wonder. Don’t forget she wholeheartedly supported Liz Truss’s disastrous policies. Levelling Up is better suited to her. She is fortunate to have that position.

  7. She supports whoever is Pm until the writing is on the wall and then jumps ship, too late usually

  8. She does not answer letters from her constituents. She is as much use as a chocolate fireguard. I wrote to her in July, still no answer. Probably too busy living it up in The Enterprise in Walton Street - a street in which she lives where there are holes in the pavement she's also shown no interest in fixing.


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