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Wednesday 28 September 2022



When we struggle to pay our bills it's irritating to have politicians claiming they can 'fix the energy crisis.' 

This government had the opportunity to remove reliance on Russian gas by allowing fracking: it did nothing. 

You cannot 'fix' a market-driven force, Felicity. 

You should not mislead people by pretending you can.


  1. Dear Dame. You are being naive and silly. It's the Tory Party Conference next week and MPs will say anything to grab the headlines. Flick is on a mission. She is done with Kensington because Kensington is done with her. She needs to find a new seat. Headline grabbing is the tested way to get noticed. And perpetual motion machines have always fascinated the impressionable.

    Please give Flick a break

  2. Fyi it doesn't matter if the gas comes from Lancashire fracking or a Siberian gas field. There is a world price for gas. It's called capitalism. If you want cheap energy you have to nationalise the energy company like the French

    1. Silly socialist. Gas is a commodity and therefore a cost based market. In a short time prices will return to sensible commodity levels ie cost plus a 7% margin for profit. For the moment there is market based pricing ie supply and demand, and costs have shot up because your mate Putin disrupted the whole world by withdrawing supplies and causing an imbalance. As soon as new pipelines are put in place and gas tankers turned around, things will be back to normal. The message is that YOU need to choose your friends more carefully. Forget you sixth form idealism and grow up!

    2. Fan of Dent Coad.2 October 2022 at 11:52

      Doesn't it rather depend on how the Tory Government grants licences for fracking and gas exploration elsewhere. Whilst Tories are in to the money business big time, the licences that they grant could prohibit our gas being sold on world markets: making the UK energy sector more secure - with those who have put capital at risk to explore UK gas sources making a fair profit not a super normal one.

    3. The astounding fact is that the majority in Kensington consider that EDC will be a better MP than Buchan!!!! The blame for this stupidity lies fairly and squarely in the hands of the Tories who have neglected and abused North Kensington residents for decades (eg sky high Resident Parking Permits and neglected safety and basic services investment in Council Flats). Puffed up Councillors Thesalities and Campbell regularly spout the logic of their policies but it is the usual pigmy thinking from these two bird brains.

    4. Emma Bent Coad Is an idiot who has no real support aside from the Tories who love to have her as leader of a crank bunch in the Council. The woman can’t string a complex sentence without boring people.

    5. I know what you mean. Emma "Columbus Boja de Borja" Dent Coad thinks she is such an intense sophisticated thinker. I hope Moore Bick manages to go for her with a comment by the way.

    6. Emma's a gas!

    7. Unfortunately the Labour Councillors are so pig ignorant and stupid that they have not figured out that EDC is the best thing that ever happened for the Tory puffers. As long as EDC leads the Labour Party in RBKC, dizzy Campbell will lead the Tories in power.

    8. Digging holes and self shooting in the foot - Labour specialty in RBKC. Cllr Lari is the eminence grise to the Spanish fruit cake

    9. Very classy socialists4 October 2022 at 10:27

      Lari offers homophobia to complement Dent Coad's snobbish, sniggering superiority; racial prejudice.

    10. Hilarious that the first example given by your critic of the neglect of North Kensington is 'the sky high cost of Residents Parking Permits ' . Most residents across the borough do not possess cars & of course the lack of social housing and neglect of private tenants are far better examples of Tory neglect . Just look at what is being achieved by efficient Labour Administrations in Hammersmith & Westminster to see what is possible when Labour Councillors work consistently and really listen to what the electorate wants

    11. Very good points, 16.48

    12. Very good points, 16.48

    13. Dear dame,

      10.27 refers to Lari's homophobia. I want to know what Lari has done. Can you help? Thanks to you, I know about EDC's racism.

    14. Kensington Labour's Closet5 October 2022 at 08:39

      Homophobia? I would like to find out about these allegations of homophobia. It needs to come out in to the open. Racism taints Kensington Labour so why not go the whole hog with homophobia.

    15. Perhaps one should ask Lari when he ventures to North Kensington. Sticking out like a hypocritical posh pseudo lefty in an area of extreme health and wealth issues.

    16. Homophobes in the closet: what's next?5 October 2022 at 09:31

      If I knew when Lari was venturing anywhere, I would have him about homophobia; and have a right go at him if necessary. Does anyone know what he is supposed to have done?

    17. Leave Lari alone. He is a beautiful trick

    18. A good looking homophobe! Probably tried it at Public School.

  3. Wise words from WASP. 13.00 conveniently forgets that his taxes will have to pay for nationalisation and his short term pain is swapped for long term debt and ruination. French taxes are the highest in the world. Those guys are in a real bind. Shit economy

    1. Nice one, Cyril.5 October 2022 at 20:15

      Better than super normal profits courtesy of the Country's gas and electricity bill payers. Excess profits would go the Exchequer, not shareholders, and help to reduce taxes and Government deficits.

  4. Britain is self sufficient in energy (North Sea oil and gas, coal). As part of their effort to optimise costs the oil companies export some (light) Brent crude and import heavier crudes for the refineries to match UK market demand.

    1. Well the Tories should intervene and prioritise UK energy resources for the UK. Any excess can be exported. The US saw the problems coming years ago and in 14 years became self sufficient by boosting oil and gas output. We don't have to wait. The UK is there already! Flick needs to get her pencil out

  5. Lady Flick Godiver astride her horse.......

  6. Frack Flick, frack........

  7. One fix to the problem that nobody talks about is diplomacy, which would end the war and restore the reliable supply of Russian gas to western Europe. But this approach is not up for discussion because the Biden admin has decreed it out of the bounds of imagination, and European governments have no self-respect or real independence. We have the democratic mandate of 16 million voters who wanted the UK to make its own policies independent of the EU. Pity there's no referendum to leave US foreign policy and our status as slave to the hegemon that allegedly sabotaged the Nord Stream for its own economic benefit.


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