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Sunday 16 October 2022


                                              Fake                                            The real McCoy 

The Dame always questioned Truss's credentials for leading our country. 

How right the old thing was. What a  BALLS UP

Rishi Sunak has the sort of brain required to lead this country out of its mess. 

How anyone could ever think Kwarteng was on a par with Sunak beats the old Dame.

Felicity Buchan was forever telling us what a bright star Truss is. 

Perhaps she would now admit her judgment of this poseur was flawed.


  1. We may as well have a Labour government: this one is just as incompetent

  2. Trus and Kwarteng were the right of center, Libertarian, alternative to yet another Blue Labour Govt. But having now been sunk by the usual WEF puppet lefty Europhiles, and by their own messaging & comms ineptitude, we will be back to a Govt that is Tory in name only now, which will be replaced by an actual Labour one at the next election. It's really not worth bothering to vote anymore because the same people with the same policies are really running things, and it's not the ones we supposedly choose to do so.

  3. Sorry, but in 2012 Kwarteng was supporting Cable's proposal to tax the property asset of those with £2m homes despite those owners not being spared because they were in low on income. The only libertarian thing about Kwarteng is his ineptitude.

  4. The awful Crispin Blunt has turned on Truss...this is the man who claimed sex pervert fellow MP, Khan did not get a fair trial.

  5. Ms Buchan is very ambitious but she is not stupid. She always knew that Ms Truss’s policies were high risk and likely to result in economic stress, but she saw the opportunity of a ministerial appointment from Ms Truss that would never have been possible with Mr Sunak. The temptation for preferment was greater than prudence. She has now no possibility of keeping her Kensington seat and is now busy looking for a new one. The imprudence of supporting the unsupportable policies of Ms Truss are likely to cost her that opportunity. Her pretence of never having supported Brexit Central will also be an impediment in her attempts at carpet bagging

  6. Felicity Buchan has congratulated Liz Truss on becoming the UK's third female Prime Minister.

    The MP for Kensington welcomed the new Leader of the Conservative Party as she gave her inaugural speech on the steps of Downing Street.

    Felicity said:

    "Congratulations to our excellent new Prime Minister Liz Truss. Now it's all about delivering our bold Conservative agenda."

  7. mmmmm....any regrets Flicka?

  8. No regrets. She wanted the Treasury job and she got it. Never mind about the constituency. Never mind about the party or the country. ‘I’ve got the foreman’s job at last’.


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