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Sunday 15 November 2020


                                          Missing Person Alert!

It's all very well Doc Quirk saying that his Council 'cares about us all" but according to 'One who would like to know' The Doc has no interest in finding a missing councillor. 

Come on, Doc Quirk, maybe Cllr Ali is being held hostage somewhere and is in need of rescue?

Dear Dame,

Speculation bubbles about the whereabouts of Cllr. Kasim Ali who has not appeared in public for several weeks and who again, missed important Cabinet & Committee meetings this week. Is he ill? Is he out of the country? Or has he simply discovered that participation in Kensington Local Government and the increasingly bizarre world of Emmarite  Kensington Labour  Party whilst lucrative, is not the fast path to National & International fame that he was promised?  

No more fast track appointments with Labour’s National leader ( who presumably has other priorities ? )

In other circumstances, it could be claimed that this is not the business of anyone but Cllr Ali, his family & his conscience (after all there is a score of Councillors who have not been in evidence for months). But Cllr Ali is in receipt of substantial, taxpayer-funded,  ‘Special Responsibility Allowances’ ( £17,000 as Chair of the Housing  Select Committee ).  

Admittedly he did get through chairing his second Housing Meeting somewhat less ham-fistedly than his first appearance. But there has been little ( if any? ) input from Cllr Ali towards the borough’s emerging Housing policy or anything else in these difficult and ever-worsening times? 


Obviously, the Labour Whip knows what is going on but does his nominal Leader; his co-Councillors or his electors?


Can you enlighten us, dear Dame?


One who would like to know



  1. This is serious. Is he still claiming his allowance

  2. Hello? It's a national lockdown, or hadn't you heard?
    This personal vendetta is starting to look like a course of conduct. Please, no more of this contrived drivel.

  3. Other councillors (who do not receive anything like his allowances) are continuing to attend and participate in virtual meetings - as, come to think of it, is the rest of the working population. And other councillors have done their meetings conscientiously even if they are abroad. What is different about Ali ?

    1. Yes, what IS different about Cllr Ali?
      Hmm, I can't imagine what it could be, that would make RBKC and their little lapdogs in the Labour group hound and harass him like this.

    2. Oh...please...are you going to play the race card for Ali? So f*****g boring(excuse the language, Dame. We know you don't like coarseness)

    3. That's not what I meant actually. But if the shoe fits. Being considered "boring" never made something untrue. My question still stands.

    4. Well, what do you mean, 'actually'?

  4. Another Freeloader .


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