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Sunday 19 February 2023



The Dame thought it was about time to 'trim up' so popped down to the Chelsea Sports Centre owned by us residents.

Monthly membership is around £50 per month but if an RBK&C employee you get a sweet deal of just £28 per month.

Residents pay high taxes to fund council staff salaries. 

Why should we have to subsidise their gym membership?


  1. If true it is appalling. The facility should be price prioritised for the residents who pay not staff. Residents should be treated in the same way as staff

  2. Pass the sick bag. Public sector pay now out strips private sector pay. RBKC runs an inflated headcount based on job creation for vanity projects dreamed up by the Leader and puffing Councillors (eg tourist walkabouts drawn onto pavements, benches from Holland and official story tellers). The next step is more abuse of hard earned Counci tax to keep the job creation staff in tip top shape and subsidised clover

  3. This very deep discount provided by the operator to council staff could be interpreted as an attempt to unduly influence decisions on contractual awards. Are councillors also entitled to this 'sweet deal'?

    1. Yes they are. Even loaded ones like Dizzy and False . Another benefit paid for by us

  4. With the greatest respect, in my experience the ability to attract quality staff into local authorities has been, and continues to be incredibly challenging. It is not the case that public sector pay outstrips private sector pay, and a discounted gym membership is almost now a standard part of any remuneration and benefits package across all sectors, so offering this is at least keeping RBKC partly competitive in the job market to be able to hire talent. This is a non-issue when there are genuine and key issues you could be raising relating to public sector employees at RBKC.

    1. What utter rubbish. I imagine you are an officer. RBKC had no difficulty recruiting a 'storyteller'. The quality of local government staff is in comparison with the private sector abysmal. In my experience they are indolent and lacking in commitment. I was told by one senior councillor that they are having a very difficult job getting officers back in the office and they like working from home. Too many people doing too little and being paid toom much with early retirement packages and pensions to make mouths' water.


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