with thanks to thisisnorthkensington.wordpress.com


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Monday 13 February 2023



It is difficult to recall a government so terminally wounded.

Yet for Felicity Buchan everything in the governmental garden is rosy.
She thinks the content in The Update BANALITY will appeal to Kensington constituents: she is very wrong...it is banal.
Kensington voters are cosmopolitan and sophisticated and find this 'talking down' quite irritating.

She needs to get a grip and understand that bombarding us with this pap does her no good.

She should be using her Update to explain how the Conservatives intend to retain power because she offers little of anything tangible in that regard.
Whoever is putting The Update together should be 'let go'

Incidentally, gay people the Dame knows get along very well without the Government poking its nose into their lives.


  1. That picture hurts my eyes! Has she been ingesting or smoking some sort of psychedelic substance?

  2. This the same Felicity Buchan who praised Liz Truss’s economic disasters until she realised that it was seriously harming her own personal ambition. She quickly changed tack. Oh dear. Kensington deserves better.

  3. She used to get well ************** at La Brasserie back in the day. Often sat there at the bar swigging the booze with some boring accountant type. Always pontificating. She's as much use as a hunk of ice in the Saudi Arabian

    1. Getting smashed is not a crime & l can think of a number of politicians ( local & national ) who would be better & more 'sympathetic' if they enjoyed themselves more ( as long as they bought their round )

    2. I agree, mate, Remember old George Brown bless 'is old pickled 'eart. He was f*****g useless too.

    3. 20:26 I want my representative to be able to control him/herself. I suppose you are a piss artist!

  4. Felicity Buchan has an event called "Listening to North Kensington" at the Earl of Lonsdale pub at 7pm tonight. Wonder how many residents will turn up?


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