with thanks to thisisnorthkensington.wordpress.com


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Friday 24 February 2023



RBKC seems to think that it's safely out of the limelight and can go back to ignoring the North of the borough. 
The new scandal over the covert disposal of Canalside House has this week been exposed by the Dame's excellent partner 'This is North Kensington' (so no need to detail).

But what sticks in the craw is the sheer hypocrisy of renewed efforts by Tory Councillors to make an anti-Labour issue of the impending disposal by the Labour London Mayor of the redundant Kensington  Police Station whilst secretly themselves flogging off Canalside House to the private sector 

At least the Police HQ is being replaced by a new, purpose-built facility in Hammersmith whereas nobody seems clear as to where the social & charitable organisations currently housed in Canalside House are to go.
And the London Mayor can point to a serious lack of money necessitating his sale - whereas RBKC Council has so much cash that, despite record inflation, it has no need to raise council tax.
But RBKC Tories seem to have a visceral loathing of handsome buildings in the North of the Borough being occupied by public services. 
There are few enough nice-looking public buildings in the North of the Borough, but as soon as the Tories notice them they then line them up for disposal.
One would have thought that lessons would have been learned by the scandals of the attempted disposals of North Ken Library, Kensington Adult Education College and The London Lighthouse but feeling that they are no longer in the public eye, the Tories are back to flogging off venerable public assets to the highest bidder. 
Is North Kensington going to let them get away with it? 
And will  Labour Councillors wake up in time to articulate public fury about North Kensington's needs once again being trampled on by plundering Tories?

Credit: Tom Charles
            Urban Dandy


  1. You mention Kensington Police Station do you mean the one on Earl's Court Rod the only 24/7 front desk one in the borough and home to the SNT police teams or do you mean the empty Notting Hill Police Station in Kensington

  2. Do you mean Kensington Police Station ( the only 24/7 front desk i nthe borough and home to the SNT teams now all their bases have been sold off) ) is going to be sold or the now empty Notting Hill Police Station

  3. Apparently The Kensington Society are rallying to save the Notting Hill Police Station as a public building . How do we rally them to save Canal-side House as well. Or does the Kensington Society's brief not extend to North, North Kensington ?

  4. Apparently The Kensington Society are rallying to save the Notting Hill Police Station as a public building . How do we rally them to save Canal-side House as well. Or does the Kensington Society's brief not extend to North, North Kensington ?


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