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Monday 20 February 2023



This is Andrew Snowden. He is one of the 50 or so Police and Crime Commissioners who infest the police service.

Snowden is the PCC for Lancashire so he should be telling us how his police force has managed to so bungle its missing person search but he remembers the maxim...' there's a time to lie low and a time to lie loudly' and so is keeping his trap shut.

Snowden is paid nearly £90,000 a year with a deputy costing £60,000. Their office setup costs taxpayers over a million a year.

Neither he nor deputy has any policing experience. 

They got these well-paid jobs purely because they were ex councillors.

Replicate these costs across the country and you will see that we spend over £50 million a year on these nonentities.

With the money wasted at least one hospital could be built or three primary schools.

Over the 12 years of their existence getting on for a billion pounds has been wasted....just think how the money could have sensibly been spent....


  1. Cannot think of a single occasion in the 12 years of their existence that a Crime commissioner has contributed anything to the welfare of their residents or to the democratic and accountability process ( though there have been plenty of scandals - see Private Eye passim ) . Time we came up with a system to make the Police truly accountable - God knows that it is necessary ( and don't suggest our useless Home Office - who can no more control the Police than they can immigration !)


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