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Wednesday 17 March 2021


 SAVE says NO!

SAVE has stepped in with a damning indictment of plans for this horror in Old Brompton Road.


The opening salvo sets out clearly why the Council need to reject this application

"SAVE Britain’s Heritage objects to the above planning application for the construction of buildings up to nine storeys high partially within the Philbeach Conservation Area and in the setting of a Grade I listed Brompton Cemetery Registered Park & Garden and conservation area. We consider the scale of the buildings proposed to be excessive for such a sensitive historic setting and, if built, would substantially harm the character and setting these designated heritage assets. The plans, therefore, contravene local and national planning policy for the protection of Kensington and Chelsea’s historic environment, and we call on the Local Planning Authority to refuse planning permission. "


  1. This is such a welcome intervention by Save Britain's Heritage as Historic England according to the developer thinks its plans are marvellous! Historic England was formerly known as English Heritage, who granted a Certificate of Immunity from Listing for the Earls Court Exhibition Centre sending it to its doom, including the wonderful feat of 1930's engineering which was the Olympic size swimming pool which helped stage the Boat Shows.

  2. You think you've got problems - just look at the proposed replacement of the Holiday Inn Cromwell Road - ex Penta ex Forum.

    1. https://fromthehornetsnest.blogspot.com/2021/03/the-end-of-story-for-kensington-forum.html?m=1


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