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Monday 29 March 2021


Shaun Bailey's pitch to Conservative Party leadership was, in essence, "I am black and come from the ghetto"

Had anyone taken the trouble to do a modicum of research they would have found that the 'ghetto' he talked of was a rather attractive area of town where houses sell for around £1.7m.

The only thing he got right was that he was black.

The Dame was once persuaded by a friend to have a sandwich with Bailey. He subjected her to a 60-minute monologue and asked not one question. 

He has managed to alienate three important news sources in this part of London and that takes a Herculean effort.

THINK had this to say about the buffoon Click Here and the acerbic Steeples Times hauled him over the coals over his idiotic remarks about COKE USE

The Conservative Party made a massive miscalculation in backing this man. 

His appalling record as one of the laziest members of the London Assembly should have been a warning that Bailey was an insubstantial dud.


  1. His great supporters are Hands and Buchan

    1. It is a total mystery why MP Greg Hands supports Bailey. And it is obviously more than "support". When the Tory candidates for Mayor of London were pitching for the job, serving MP Hands stood up at the Kensington and Chelsea selection meeting to say that he backed Bailey!!! Stupefying. Mayoral candidate Tony Devenish (with a huge record of Service as GLA representative) nearly fell off his chair. His astonishment was a picture to treasure.

      Hands is a smoking gun. A person of hugely suspect judgement who needs to be deselected. Unsafe and unsound.

    2. The Dames Investigator29 March 2021 at 16:23

      It is not clear to me that Felicty Buchan MP is a supporter of Bailey. She is a great supporter of Tony Devenish (GLA Representative for West London) but there is no evidence of her clapping for Shaun

  2. This idea that you will appeal to black voters because you are black. Or Asian voters because you are Asian runs counter to the London I know and love. Choices should be made on the quality of the candidate not the colour of the skin

    1. Clear The Swamp29 March 2021 at 16:15

      Bailey is part of the Cameron afterbirth. He was spotted and picked up by weirdo Steve Hilton (the shoe less one) and dragged into Cameron's Downing Street. The Old Etonian clique around Dave saw off Bailey in short order and then got shot of Hilton.

      Steve Hilton is now in California.

  3. The obvious Tory candidates for Mayor of London are Javid and Jeremy Hunt. Both have held Ministerial Office and know what a chip shop looks like and what politics is about. The big jobs need more than apprentice training

    1. Where did that picture come from? Terrible camp send up. That is not offensive, of course, BUT its the suit that I bought for Bailey to replace the dreadful purple number that he used to show up in

    2. Can't he buy his own suits on the £70,000 a year we poor, f****g taxpayers have to pay the arsehole?

    3. Who is the cutie behind Bailey in the Dame's photo?

    4. David Walliams, Lord Moylan

    5. Now this is getting very confusing, 20.03. But interesting. Is there more to pass on?

  4. Bailey can't be all bad. EDC HATES him. And we all know that her judgement is deeply flawed.

    1. Emma Dent Coad's race hatred towards him was appalling.

    2. Grow up 22.59. EDC does not like Bailey. Nothing more, nothing less. What does this have to do with race??

    3. You can hate "WOKE" as much as you like. There is no denying that Emma Dent Coad drew a picture of Bailey being hanged and proudly published it for all to see on the internet.

      Has Emma Dent Coad ever drawn a picture of a white person whom she disliked being hanged and then put it on the internet. She only treats Black people with such disdain. She is a racist.

    4. I can think of worse things than hanging that I would like to do to Corbyn and Hatton. Does that make me a racist? Even if I am a person of colour?

    5. Very clever, I hate WOKE30 March 2021 at 10:44

      EDC wrote that Bailey was "a token ghetto boy" and a "freeloading scumbag." Clear evidence of racial prejudice. She got herself off the hook with Corbyn and Abbott by saying that she was "repeating the words of a Black Grandmother" in Kensington. She knew that words like that would appeal to the racially prejudiced which is why she wrote them and drew a picture of Shaun on a gallows

    6. Has she put her knee down in the Council Chamber?

    7. 09.45 has atrocious values. Wanting to do worse than hanging to political opponents. 09.45 is no better than Emma.

    8. Wanting to hang someone (or worse) is evidence of abnormal and violent behaviour.

    9. Worried by the psychopathic tendencies of -

      (i)drawing a picture of Shaun Bailey being hanged,
      (ii) wanting to do worse to Corbyn and Hatton.

    10. at 11.10. She'll take the knee. Publicity?

    11. She'll put her knee down as part of her plan to make a come back.

  5. Khan has a 25% lead in the polls. Says it all.

    Tory Central Office took its eye off the ball. Big time.

  6. If I were the MP I would be very worried about THINK, FTHN and STEEPLES TIMES joining forces to king make: they seem to collude with each other

  7. Train crash about to happen

  8. The Duchess of Camrbidge's Mum30 March 2021 at 08:40

    Brace! Brace!

  9. Hilarious. The mother in law's profession is air stewardess

  10. This is not the right time for Tories to be attacking Bailey. London is suffering with the most dreadful Mayor. He needs to be replaced.

    1. Then they choose a proper candidate

    2. Clear The Swamp31 March 2021 at 09:10

      As soon as the election is over on 6th May, the Duchess of Cambridge's Mum will instruct "Doors To Manual". This will be the time to remove Bailey.

    3. To be fair to Mr and Mrs Middleton they keep a dignified silence and low profile. They have also done an amazing job with their daughter who will make a first class queen

  11. Shaun Bailey isn't as stupid as some think. He retained evidence of the racist abuse that Emma Dent Coad circulated about him for the best part of nine years. He bided his time and when Emma was Kensington's MP and hoping for a big splash in the media about some research that she had worked on, he stole her thunder by bringing up her racist conduct. She was fuming. LOL

    1. Labour's Finest8 April 2021 at 06:09

      Stupid to circulate racist abuse in writing

    2. Dear Dame,

      Is it true that members of the Kensington Labour Party reported you to the police for hate crimes just because they did not like what you were saying?

      Do you know if the people commenting on this page run the risk of being reported to the police, by Labour, for hate crimes?

    3. Cuddly Socialist10 April 2021 at 10:06

      Sounds like EDC is a throwback to old school racism. Something in common with Prince Phillip.


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