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Friday 5 March 2021



The Dame knows just a bit about PR. 

In her younger, more dynamics days, she founded what is now a rather large international communications group.

So when she sent the Council's £150k a year PR man a missive she assumed he would be pleased to 'influence' a blog that daily is read by around 800-1500 RBKC residents.

Not a bit of it... Mr Price-Thompson has his own agenda.

His agenda is to spend hundreds of thousands of pounds of our money on publications put unread into council recycling bags: it's called vertical integration.

The Council is now spending well over £700,000 a year on 'communications'. 

That is a budget not dissimilar to that of a FTSE 100....quite incredible.

Nick? A word of advice...a local blog reaching your precise target audience is one you should cultivate not blank!


  1. £150,000 a year? For a PR man? This is a joke in very poor taste

    1. This is a staggering expenditure at any time. And especially now when Council Tax has just been increased by 5% and the cost of Resident Parking Permits has doubled to create a rip off "tax take" of £12m every year

  2. If the Council really was serious about saving money it could have done of of two things:
    1. Use an external consultancy and pay them just £200k a year
    2. Go in with Wandsworth and share costs

  3. Former RBKC officer5 March 2021 at 22:21

    It would be interesting to the rise in staff numbers since the appointment of the new Chief Executive

    1. Clear The Swamp6 March 2021 at 11:09

      Councillors have abdicated control to Officers. And Officers are all at home on 100% of salary doing DIY.

      dizzy needs to be thrown overboard

  4. The time for the new intake of Conservative councillors to flex muscles. At the moment they seem impotent

  5. The leaflets sent out by the council are laughable. I've written of them previously. This man and his budgets should be pulped. https://www.thesteepletimes.com/brainstorm/royal-rotten-borough/


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