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Tuesday 3 May 2022



Johnson's cynical hijacking of Churchill to defend himself from attempts to unseat him is quite mercenary. 

How anyone can take this man's attempts to 'play Churchill' seriously beggars belief. 

It's as embarrassing as Liz Truss trying to con us all into thinking she is the incarnation of Thatcher.

But the serious part in all this is the danger Johnson places us all in. Through his continual limelight theft, he alienates NATO partners and gives the impression to the Russians and our enemies there is no cohesive plan to aid Ukraine.

The sooner this not very pleasant man buggers off to write his memoirs the better.


  1. Johnson is using the Ukraine conflict to take a high personal profile to help save himself from being dumped by the Tory Party. Self serving as usual. But he is putting the UK in mortal danger. Putin is becoming increasingly irritated by the UK calling attention to itself as the "special" arms provider to Ukraine. If Putin is unstable as a person he may well decide to nuke the UK in order to make a point.

    If Johnson was more statesmanlike he would be taking a low profile and delivering UK military aid via NATO or another third party. And avoid grandstanding with visits to Kiev for the benefit of the world press. Does an overweight Englishman huffing and puffing in East Europe make a difference? Answers please....

    1. Spot on, 21.03

    2. Johnson is untouchable. He is a shooting star. The rest of us are dull, self doubting and inadequate. We need a bit of dazzle and showmanship to escape our fears and doubts.

    3. Speak for yourself...he's a bore. Like some Latin master of a third rate prep school always showing off with his tedious classical quotes to impress us all

  2. The Russians that surround Putin small a loser. They have all lost billions. He then asks them to make the ultimate sacrifice and die with him by nuking Europe. Do you honestly believe these guys will let him do that? All they have to do is kill the bugger and then proclaim to the world they have saved the day. That's the way it will go if he tries nuking anyone....if his Chinese masters would even allow it.

  3. The problem is , Dame, who to put in to replace him? Even if you still have the hots fodcFishy Rishi.

    1. The problem is , Dame, who do you replace him with? Even if you still have the hots for Fishy Rishi you must admit that he's now a bust flush

    2. A grey man will emerge. Hunt probably

    3. Hunt would probably be the least bad choice. But let's hope he doesn't have Greg Hands running his campaign again. Hands is the kiss of death. Ask Liam Fox or Shaun Bailey.

  4. I wonder if demented dizzy has ambitions to dust with Truss?


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