with thanks to thisisnorthkensington.wordpress.com


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Thursday 12 May 2022


The Dame is uncharacteristically and perhaps unexpectedly out of sorts to learn that Cllr. Pat Mason has left the borough and quietly & with unassuming modesty returned to his native Scotland? 

Pat Mason worked tirelessly for his constituents in Golborne for almost three decades.

Mason  was one of those widely respected Labour Councillors who in a fair system should have served as Mayor of the borough to which he showed such a strong commitment  

Whilst relentlessly dour and sometimes called 'The Savonarola of the Labour Group'  he served a valuable & respected function as the conscience..... and 'would-be' Council historian. 

He also earned himself the soubriquet 'Spin Dryer' from his habit of repeating a good debating point over & over until he had squeezed every drop of sense out of it. This clever and affectionate title was invented by another well-known blog but was so appropriate that it was quickly taken up on both sides of the council chamber. 
Tory councillors might lay bets on how quickly at Council meetings Mason would remind them of what he had warned them against 20 years previously but, unlike some others, the Council will be all the poorer for losing Clr Pat Mason. 

He was a man who served the council and his community to the very best of his ability. 

He never spoke ill of individuals even when enthusiastically fighting the generalised class war.


  1. If only we had got rid of Mrs Dent Coad and kept Henderson

  2. Mason was in with Coad. Dodgy.


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