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Saturday 28 May 2022


The re-arrangement of the leadership team has the fingerprints of a grown-up businessman all over it: well done Kim Taylor-Smith. 

This is a solid team of young, bright potential leaders. 

The Dame would have given Cllr Faulks a wide birth. One assumes she is under Cllr Campbell's protection...a hopeless duo and both deeply unpopular.

The rest of the leadership team is hard-working and committed and the Dame enjoyed seeing such an excellent array of TALENT

The only one of the team tainted by the Grenfell tragedy is Cllr Campbell now that Weale has been 'wheeled off'

If only we could twist Cllr Taylor-Smith's arm to step up it would be one of the most potent teams in local government.

This team must collectively select the next Town Clerk( no more of this Chief Executive nonsense with all the mega packages implied)


  1. Council Watcher28 May 2022 at 18:12

    In addition to Cllr False, young and inexperienced Cllr Thalassites is a danger zone. Puffed up and dizzied by his Leaders attentions, he now has fingers on the budget and administration. A sure sign that the favourite is being projected. A person with no political judgment pushing another with even less political judgement. Remember that "Johnny" is the wiz who clobbered the poor in North Kensington by rocketing up the price or Resident Permits for the older cars. He was too dim to figure that in the North we cannot afford £40k for electric cars. And especially during an economic crisis. And he really should buy a razor and have a shave. Something of the Rasputin about this person.

    1. Unlike dizzy, Smith has "substance"

    2. Council Watcher...you are wrong about Thalassites. Just because, like Mr Toad, you have multiple motors you are annoyed

  2. "Rock Star" Taylor-Smith knows how to be recognised. One of the politician's tricks.

  3. Johnny is a pussy cat & certainly has nothing in common with Rasputin?.Are you confusing him with cllr.Lari perhaps ?(But l do agree that the beard has to go )

    1. NOTHING confuses one about pin up Lari. What a corker

    2. Fly On The Wall29 May 2022 at 13:00

      There is nothing pussycat about Rasputin. He exists between a dominant mother and a controlling Leader. Nothing good will come of this.
      Already the signs are there. Read his "dictates" to residents. All about "I am in charge and I know best". "Me me, me". And not one ounce of political wisdom in most, if not all, of what the poodle decides. A cockroach that needs to be stamped on.

  4. In my dealings with Johnny Thalassites I have found him very effective. I was pleasantly surprised at his readiness to listen to residents and stand up for them. A case in point are the audio cameras. There was resistance to these but Thalassites pushed ahead. We now have a deterrent which is making an impact. The fines just need to be tripled! One suspects that Whip It Out has a garage full of elderly Bentley'S Jaguars and the like. Time to have a garage sale and with the proceeds buy an EV

    1. Johnny is a spoilt mummies boy

  5. Does the Dame drive an automobile?

    1. The Dame's Homme des Affaires30 May 2022 at 20:48

      No, she has a driver


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